
8:35 p.m. // also, this is not a drill. i will update my imagines book at some point this week, so please tuned!! :D


4:05 p.m. // i think i might be sick. :(


@wonderblush I UNDERSTAND THE FEELING. I am still trying to get better from the remnants of my sickness only if the weather gets better and warmer is when I’ll feel MUCH better bc I feel like my sore throat isn’t going anywhere


(@youthdeku) thanks!! <3 i HATE getting sick. :D


oh no </3 gws babes


12:30 a.m. // i'm a bit all over the place with my drafts for my imagines book. it's almost the same feeling of when i was in online school, and i had so many assignments to complete in such a short amount of time? i'm SO glad those days are over!!


12:00 a.m. // if you are a power rangers superfan, tell me, what's your favorite theme song? 
          my personal favorites are mighty morphin' (a classic, obvi), in space, time force, dino thunder, ninja storm, jungle fury, lost galaxy, and mystic force. 
          i'm rewatching power rangers ninja storm, and i literally keep replaying the theme song, because it's so. damn. catchy. i don't know who exactly came together and worked on that particular opening theme, but they really did their thing. 
          it's one of the very few theme songs out of the many shows i've watched where i didn't immediately skip it. a certified banger!!


If I had to rank: mighty morphin, mystic force, ninja storm, dino thunder, time force (I think wild force too) I think that’s it I’m sure there’s more but they’re like my the top.


@kolismybabe MINE TOO haha. my brother also loves the mystic force sm it’s his ringtone, and the power rangers beeper is his message ring tone so it felt like zordon messaging him LOL


mystic force is so catchy to me! also dino thunder