Hi everyone, wattpad has been a mess lately, I found out that my google account has been breached/leaked into a darkweb by wattpad due to a wattpad incident on June 2020 where wattpad was breached I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one affected, I was only aware of this in 2024 which is 4 years later and it's ridiculous and horrible I am not sure wattpad informed users, but just a heads up make sure to check your gmail account if your wattpad account was created before 2020 and still active and make sure to change passwords with 2fa on just to be safe than sorry, this was horrible for me to find out 4 years later...

@sizuwixxx yeah, I only got alerted 4 years later for mcafee with their new system being able to scan information that's been leaked into the darkweb and by who unfortunately mine was due to wattpad cuz wattpad was breached in June 2020. Hope your not encountering this like I am