
Did you get an idea about making a werewolf story? And when does the story of the naga end?


            Thank you so much for your kind words, I will do my best to try and live up to them.
            As for your ideas, I have several ideas for many of those already. When I have some of my current stories finished, I will think about working on them depending on the time I have. 
            As much as I would love to put them up now or work on other projects, I don't want to neglect the stories I have up so far. If I had the time I would likely have so many stories on going, but sadly my schedule doesn't allow for that. 
            Have a great day, and again thank you for reaching out. :)


@Dan2i_ author you really shine bright in how your writing describes every tiny detail. I recently read your kelpiexreader story and I am officially a fan. I really wish you can eventually make a dragon or even a merman yandere story too. Oh and maybe even a beastworld novel or any type of reverse harem story. Of course I am just suggesting those as ideas and I really love those genres and surely with your writing style, great stories of those genres can be born. 


            I have got some idea's for werewolf/shifter stories, but I don't plan on starting any new stories at the moment. Sadly with how busy things can be for me I don't get to give my stories the attention I would like to, so it wouldn't be fair to add another into that equation until at least one more is completed
            As for your second question. The story is in the final arc now, but as I mentioned sadly I do not have as much time to sit and write as I would like so it might take a while longer to get the chapters written down. I truly apologise for that, but I will do my best to update when I can


I'm worried about your long disappearance, will you disappear again?


            I'm sorry I am not more present, things are a bit...busy and life likes to throw curve balls sometimes, so I haven't been able to write as I would like. 
            I am still here, and I try to answer any questions or comments that are directed at me when I can to show it. I am sorry for the long waits, I will try to update when I can
            Hopefully I will have more time in the future to give my stories, until then I will do my best to update whenever I can


Hello, I really like your snake and kelpie story's. This is about the Naga one, are we going to end up with Bela? Like what's your intentions for that if I may ask. I'm just extremely curious;) hope your doing well  


            Hi, I am afraid I am not giving out spoilers :) I know I take a while to update, but when I can the story should explain the answer to your first question. 
            As for the second, I am leaving that more to the imagination of the reader. Everyone will have their own idea in mind, and any number of them could be true depending on the person.
            I hope that answers your questions, and I wish you great day


U ever thought of doing a time travel royalty story?


            It hasn't been suggested to me as of yet, but it is a good idea to consider. Thank you for the suggestion, I will keep it in mind for the future
            Have a great day :)


Hello! Thank you for adding one of my stories to your reading list. I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy! :)


:) Of course!


            I'm looking forward to reading it :) Thank you for sharing your work


Will you be continuing artificial intelligence??


@MyDarlingSun13  it definitely is!!! Im excited <3 


            I'm happy to reply where I can :) no need to thank me. I really glad your enjoying the stories so far, the praise means a lot! 
            As for smut in this particular story, I don't want to give anything away for now. Though that question should answer itself in the next two to three chapters, I hope that is an acceptable answer for now


@MyDarlingSun13 Yaaay!! Thank you for replying :  ))
            I love your work btw. Do you plan on adding lil bit of smut maybe? 


Welcome back uneey!!!!!(Where have you been)?


            I appreciate the understanding and support :) take care too


It’s completely fine! We can wait, take care.


             I hadn't gone anywhere X'D updates are just very slow (big sorry for that)