
Hy my lovely readers
          	So srry for irregular chapters actually my schedule is so busy so I am not getting time to post anything but believe me from April I will be post regular 
          	For now the next chapter of enemy's heart Will be there by tomorrow or next tomorrow 
          	 Follow my Insta account for spoilers and edit - author_alara_dusk 


Hy my lovely readers
          So srry for irregular chapters actually my schedule is so busy so I am not getting time to post anything but believe me from April I will be post regular 
          For now the next chapter of enemy's heart Will be there by tomorrow or next tomorrow 
           Follow my Insta account for spoilers and edit - author_alara_dusk 



@snowy0018 Thank you, I will read yours too!


@Liviawrts sure I will read it soon when  I get time 


Sorry for late episode guys I was busy in my exams but now I am free so the next episode will be here tomorrow of silsila -e-ishq 
          And if you want spoilers  or edits pls follow me on 
           Youtube - aureliascript 
          Instagram - author_alara_dusk
             Thank you 


Hy guys 
          I have noticed that my story is getting very few votes. So, please, it’s a request—I'm saying this for both of my stories—please try to vote. If I see feedback and votes, I will be more motivated to post episodes quickly. I will only continue the story if I see engagement.
          So, please follow me, vote for the story, and give your feedback. Let me know if I need to make any changes, if there are any shortcomings, or if everything is perfect!


@snowy0018 well I will upload episode on next tomorrow 


Convite Especial da Autora Agatha_Nunes!
          Olá, leitores!
          Tenho o prazer de convidar vocês para conhecerem meu primeiro livro digital! Escrevi essa história com muito carinho e mal posso esperar para compartilhar com vocês. Venham mergulhar nessa jornada literária e me contem o que acharam!
          Acesse agora pelo link:

           Leia no Wattpad
          Espero vocês lá! ✨
          — Collinwc


To my followers 
           Thankyou for following me thankyou! 
          This would be a beautiful journey with you guys
          By the way this note is to tell you that I didn't update silsila -e-ishq this week and only updated enemy's heart after 3week bcz my my exams are going but
          I will be free after 3 days so after that I will update regularly and 3 times in a week 
          You guys tell me on what days you wanted me to upload? 
                Thankyou! Waiting for your replies