
hello everyone,
          i’m so pleased to say that i finally have gained access to this account once more! i feel such immense relief to announce that i will be continuing with this account after thinking i’ve lost all the hard work i put into this.
          every book except for remembrance has been unpublished for the meantime and will be worked on. mind over matter will hopefully be released in a couple of days, depending on how school work goes! 
          the username will remain as it is now, as i do not want the person who had formerly hacked this account to know or see this account at all. i have also made a backup account in case anything like this were to happen again ( @s3bsw0rldd )
          but thank you to everyone for there kindness, patience and understanding within this situation! 
          mwah, my loves !!


oh my god i am SO sorry this happened to you. i’m glad it’s been resolved <3 