HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELIEST BEST FRIEND AND #1 SUPPORTER AZKIELLLL @fallenforhoon !!!! andDDD HAPPY ONE YEAR TO GO-GETTER TOO!!!! i cant believe time is flying so fast omgomg 2 birthdays with azkiel… love you… Mwah…
hai everyone, this isn't an update but it's something way more important. a friend of mine's gf's grandmother passed away today and their family has started a gofundme to raise money for the funeral. please donate if you can (even the smallest amount of money helps) or share the link if not!
the link: https://gofund.me/ae60db6c
sending all my condolences <3
@p1honey its me, straykids_fan_11, i closed my account and i have this account now. just wanted to let you know. I just closed it yesterday. thats all for now. sorry for the inconvenience.