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OK I NEED TO VENT CUZ ALL MY FRIENDS PROBABLY WONT ANSWER ME: U know that one teacher that you like and hate at the same time? Like my english teacher- Bro is as unpredictable as the weather where I live.... So yesterday she was like "Everyone stfu, u need 2 stawp slacking and do sum work" While everyone has been working for the past well....idk 4 hrs??? And she always interupts us when we're asking her questions but yells at us when we stop her from misunderstanding what I'm saying??? WTH GIRL GET A DAMN GRIP And then today she was like "You guys are such good students, Im going to give yall free period tmrw and I'll get u donuts" Like wHaT?
OK I NEED TO VENT CUZ ALL MY FRIENDS PROBABLY WONT ANSWER ME: U know that one teacher that you like and hate at the same time? Like my english teacher- Bro is as unpredictable as the weather where I live.... So yesterday she was like "Everyone stfu, u need 2 stawp slacking and do sum work" While everyone has been working for the past well....idk 4 hrs??? And she always interupts us when we're asking her questions but yells at us when we stop her from misunderstanding what I'm saying??? WTH GIRL GET A DAMN GRIP And then today she was like "You guys are such good students, Im going to give yall free period tmrw and I'll get u donuts" Like wHaT?
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Hi! Thank you so much for the votes on my story and thank you for reading it!!!
OK SO THIS RIDICULOUS THING HAPPENED TO ME AND MY FRIENDS AT AN ARCADE: We were chilling next to some game where you knock down creepy clowns or smth and we see this tiny kid about yey high (you obviously cant see how tall he is but thats not the point). And the tiny kid thinks he has a hell lotta rizz. This is how the rest of the convo goes: Kid: Hey Ladies ✨✨✨ Friend A: Hi??? Kid: Can I have your school emails? Me: Oh, do you need them for a discount or something Kid: No cuz you guys look ✨✨✨BAAAADDDD✨✨✨ *rubs hands together* Me and my friends: *makes intense eye contact and tries not to fall over with laughter* That failed. We all fell down to the ground. And this kid's sister or something was like "<insert kid's name here> mom and dad says we have to go" And the kid was all "But these ladies ✨✨✨ havent given me their "scHoOl eMaIlS" yet" and at that point we just left.
✨paste✨this✨✨on✨✨The✨✨ten✨✨nicest✨✨Peoples✨✨profiles✨✨and✨✨if✨✨you✨✨get✨✨then✨✨back✨✨you✨✨are✨✨really✨✨special✨(just know that ur not THAT nice)
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