
Update: Hey guys! Writer here! Probably, wondering how long did I post to some of my books. Due to my finals coming, I can't focus on writing some smut but hey, the finale is coming on it. Maybe I'll try to some new stories. Probably like Sakamoto days or john wick style of story. Not sure if it will happen but maybe. Kinda conflicted whether I would continue to write smut stories, yandere stories or explore new. But anyways. Love you all!


@mikewinstone2 bro finna comeback! 


this message may be offensive
persain from iran.not gone.lue..im anti ntr type mf and dizpise ntr with lassion (seen it happen in real lufe...my homie almost..yoy know sgat)anyway...love yoyr writting style.you smart so keep your head up and wish you god speed  and health aloso if ever start snt ntr tyoe shit i glady read and aloso about Kokujin no tenkousei.....the wriiter let it go cus of death thrways(imean fuck her..stupid bitch) and but it said what happend in end that hiroku 12 or 14 year old boy would eventully hanged or kill himself in his room


Update: Hey guys! Writer here! Probably, wondering how long did I post to some of my books. Due to my finals coming, I can't focus on writing some smut but hey, the finale is coming on it. Maybe I'll try to some new stories. Probably like Sakamoto days or john wick style of story. Not sure if it will happen but maybe. Kinda conflicted whether I would continue to write smut stories, yandere stories or explore new. But anyways. Love you all!


@mikewinstone2 bro finna comeback! 