
*            finally  back,        who  missed  me   ( cb )  :>


*      yes please ! 


"no  ,  no!  not mad.  it's fine."  even if it really didn't feel fine.  that was only the pain talking.  he knew she didn't exactly   /  mean  /   too  —  or well  ,  he hoped.  "I'll fix.  it's fine  ..  yeah.  fine."  just a bite.  some blood.  not the first time  ..  kind of.  honestly  ,  this was preferred when compared to the shark.


/hello,i hope you don't mind if I dropped something
          Sarah would be in her white dragon state as she would be near the place where the mer girl would be as it looked like she was finishing a meal. 


@Fallen_Queen- Sarah would look down as she saw the girl and be t her head down to her level. "I'm sorry if I startled you there young one,I hope you don't mind me being here,it's been awhile since I've done something like this.


@Fallen_Queen- ,              (          the sea myth remained hunched over a crimson puddle.     her arms painted red with smears and smudges decorating her delicate yet piercing features — a messy eater,    that was for sure.    she had yet to notice the beastly creature nearby,     until a large breath blew past her.    much warmer than her usual seaside breeze.      instinctively,     her head raised upward to direct her attention toward the other.         ) 
            *          NEVER!      I   love   random  drops!      hehehe


⠀⠀ ⠀⠀do i smell good? 
          * ⠀⠀ little bits of flesh and blood on him 


⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ "thought so,"      he mused,   tilting his head back slightly as he got lost in thought.   he sensed that she shared his tastes—he could smell it,   the faint scent of blood.   it lingered,   old but there.   whispers of disappearances centered around this body of water had reached his ears,   carelessly shared in the dim light of his bar.   so,   he was confident in doing this.   yeong-su reached behind him and retrieved an arm—just a scrap,   really,   nothing too difficult to dispose of if she wasn't interested.      "some douchebag messing with one of my customers.    tastes good,   though."


@fangsbled ,        (          it was an odd question,        but her sense of smell was beyond heightened.           she could hint even whether it had been a male or female —         male.       )            ..    okay.        (        she replied flatly,       unsure of how to react.       should she have said something different,        would that have earned her a meal of some sort?        )           —          /yum/?
            *          sorry    for    the    double    tag,     #writingerrors! 


“ oh my !  mi dispiace…  you startled me !  ”


            suzi blinked a few times , clearly she must’ve been dreaming ? no .  this was real , and yet throughout her years in working for miss lisa lisa not ONCE has she ever seen someone such as this .  “ no  ,  no .  you’re okay !  i’ve—  just never seen anything like you before .  can you not leave the water ?  ”


@quaintblonde ,                (        the uncomfortable sensation of the human woman shocked the creature.      her dreary colored hues widening in a reflected startled nature.      )          ..          [sorry].    
            *          [ ]   just  mean  shes  speaking  very  lightly  /  under  her  breath ! 


he tied his hair back  ,  smiling down at her.  "is fine.  can swim.  and water nice.  likes us."  he motioned between the two of them.  "not nice.  for you only to  ...  go up."  he motioned around his boat.  "so down  ,  me.  you want show me  ...   thing?  hm?"


after discarding his boots and carefully removing the beads from his hair   (  he hated parting from them  ,  but he would hate to lose them even more  )   he jumped forward in a dive.  minimal splashing was done  ,  not too fond of disrupting the waves natural order.  he could already feel the waves pushing down at his body.  a feat he would never usually refuse but well  —  he had plans today.  it was a bit hard to reason with the ocean  ,  so he simply compromised with a promise of later.  "lead way!"
               /     bro just told the ocean to drown him LATER


@sailsolated- ,           /yes/,        co—-     come.       (     selie was far too eager to dance around around her usually stubbornness.     she had been waiting a great deal of time to show the human a treasure dearest to her,      one that she believed — with little understanding — that he would value just as much.     ) 