
So this is probably going to sound a little bit pathetic of me, so I'm sorry. But.. basically, I've had an idea for the flow of things for my book all this time, but now I'm double and triple doubting everything for its direction. It's an ongoing thing where I will suddenly think of a new idea and then I'll be tempted or swayed to move in that direction but now I don't even know anymore and I dont want to chose the wrong thing T-T If anyone has any time to spare me their opinions or to listen to my clusterfuck of a brain it would be so much appreciated.. I'm dying for a second or third opinion. But also I'm so scared to ruin or spoil things as well. This is such a damn difficult position to be in rip


@kray92 IK It's been FOREVER since you posted but just wanted to let you know I'd be willing to help if you want! If you ever come back on and see these know that myself and others would love for this to be finished, even slowly :) thx <3


@kray92  just you be fine ^_^!


@gmzxeen can't believe it's been seven months since ive read this and eight months unupdated, it's fascinating that i remembered this even


Hey author-nim, It's been years when I last visited your account. It was back when you used to post chapters and I was still new to the Wattpad. You were and still are one of my favourite authors here. I just hope You're Doing Well and are Healthy there in Australia. I will be waiting for the time you will come back on this app, this account. 
          Hope to see you soon.❤️❤️
          Be happy and healthy ✨


Hey author, I used to read 742 when you used to post chapters one by one and I remember waiting for it and the way I used to jump seeing your notification, then you stopped and suddenly one day I was missing the story very much so I reread it, please please complete the story  it's an amazing story and even though I don't read wattpad anymore, I'm really egar to know what will happen next. I hope you're alright and would update soon, I'm rooting for it