
Hey everyone so I've finally sorted my patreon. Head on over there to see much more of my work including photographs of the world around me and new and updated stories 


I'm going to copy my stories over to Google docs . I won't take the ones on here down but new stuff will be posted to patreon my user is steampunk story teller . I'd love for you loyal fans to head over there for exclusive content and stuff that won't be available anywhere else. 


Hello one and all. I've been a bit slow on here for some long month now due to life and also feeling as if things moved slowly and not many people are online.
           However I have noticed people are showing an interest in my old works. Such as mummy's little princess. This cheers me up and I thank you all for this. I will update and edit it soon. I look forward to my other works becoming popular and interesting again.
          Once again thank you all for lighting my interest here   


Morning/ evening everyone how are all of you amazing people ? I was wondering if anyone wanted to RP stall. But also which of my stories if any would people like to see revived choose from 
          Mummy's little princesses: a care giver little/ magic town story set in highschool
          Three bright stars : series of shorts following 3magical girl triplets 
          The little changing : mummy and daughter story about resilience family support through a hard time for a girl with additional needs 
          A big change for Yuki. : a gradual regression for a tough criminal teen and her sickly best friend. By their parents 
          Start a new one 


@HOWLER1962 sounds like a plan 


@kiaratiger all 3 first then when you have time  (not rushing you), then a new one


Morning all i hooe you all had a great easter Ostara or anyother  spring celebration you may have had . it is so beutiful the world at the moment , but sadly everyithing going on in the world means we cant really take time to appreciate the beauty around us.  We all need to as it is great for reliveing stress and calming the mind ..
          ive updated some stories. i dontk now if anyone even reads them any more . if people do though please jsut drop a comment and if you think it is worth it a vote or two. iam an emerging author like many people here. i think we should all try to communicate more and support each other . what do you think everyone ?
          story updates this week 
          The little changling part four is up and editied
          by the end of today  i will have done some work on some others . id love to hear what you guys are working on so if i have time i can give it a look over and offer some feedback if it is wanted . 


Hello my freinds Hooe you are all doing well. I just wanted to remind you all that you are unique and amazing and whatever your going through right now. The bad will pass there is light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately this is true of the hood as well but make treasured memories wherever you cann :)
          Also I've posted up some more works of stories I hope you enjoy them if you read them. Please bite and leave feedback if you do read them. I'd appreciate that 


Hey all hope you are all doing well. Many hugs to you all. I'm going to do some house cleaning of my account so I'll only leave up stories that are popular and still active. I may post some new rp ideas as my style has developed alot these last few months. As has my senses of gratitude and well being. So I'm going to try and share more positive and encouraging messages. I'll also be on hand to listen or provide advise to those who want it. Just pm me as that stuff is private. Have a great day  hugs, you will get through whatever troubles you have and it's okay to ask for help. 


Good morning my freinds and beautiful people. I hope you are all doing well. As winters icy grip or sunny days descend upon you all. If just like to offer all those who feel alone, all those suffering right now in any way a few kind words to help lift you up.
          1)you are all beautiful unique and amazing and I mean it. In all different ways.
          2) you are all good at something. In many cases it's multiple things but every skill every capability us important in some situation even if it's not obvious.
          3) you do you.. Society likes to box people up this is hard to avoid but you can push through all that. None who are always acting a role and wearing a mask are truly happy.
          4() any form of discrimination or prejudice or scorn you hold in your life for others is itself discriminating against yourself. ( paraphrased quote from the sok gakhi Buddist movement texts) 
          More of this to come if you want or need a freind. It an rp buddy private message me and I'll happily chat. 


@kiaratiger I'm fine to continue on the RP comment section.


@Wilshrile thanks. Do you want to carry on the rp on the story or maybye youd prefer  in pm?


@kiaratiger Oh I love it. I like the inviting atmosphere and I feel cozy looking at the picture. <3 I like the arrangement of the lights too.