I miss having the content from the boys at pretty much like they were my other band at the same time as why don't we. Also, I am just watching old videos from pretty much right now
I miss having the content from the boys at pretty much like they were my other band at the same time as why don't we. Also, I am just watching old videos from pretty much right now
So I haven't posted it on here in a few days, but I hung out with my guy friend that I haven't seen in like a year and a 1/2.
But yeah, it went really well. It's like.
That one friendship where If you ever have like a fight And you don't speak for a little while and then start talking like nothing happened
So, I haven't been posting a lot since I have been dealing with stuff. But I have another stalker which is fun. I don't personally know the person, but they have become really obsessed with my posts on tiktok
Sorry I haven't been on much lately. I have been dealing with a lot of things, including being bullied by a crazy Karen, all because I didn't have my own pictures as my profile on Facebook
So I fixed a friendship last night also I am cat sitting this weekend for one of my really good friends. Now I am just relaxing after coming back from my boyfriend's place
Of course, my Ex best guy friend attempted to call me today on Valentines Day out of all the days it had to be today. I have no idea what he wants or anything like that
I'm struggling to fall asleep tonight it is almost 5 a.m., and I am going to my boyfriends place later on, so hopefully, I will be able to get some sleep