
Hi ... this is me... 
          	I want to write kitties. I have some chapters in drafts.. but I fell last night. I was having some trouble sleeping and breathing .. so I took my heart pills and anxiety..
          	I was going upstairs to walk when I felt dizzy and fell . Luckily it wasn't  that bad but my right arm got hurt a lot. Doc said bone is safe but skin got  ruptured a little.. 
          	I am okay to work .. but my arm hurt so bad. The pain goes into my veins.. 
          	I'll be here soon once it heals all fine.  Okay?
          	Don't  forget me 


Take care author 


@itz-kiaara it's alright, first take your time to get healed properly and take care of yourself after than you can always return safely with a new spirit ❤️ we'll be waiting ❤️


@itz-kiaara take care and get well soon...


Hi ... this is me... 
          I want to write kitties. I have some chapters in drafts.. but I fell last night. I was having some trouble sleeping and breathing .. so I took my heart pills and anxiety..
          I was going upstairs to walk when I felt dizzy and fell . Luckily it wasn't  that bad but my right arm got hurt a lot. Doc said bone is safe but skin got  ruptured a little.. 
          I am okay to work .. but my arm hurt so bad. The pain goes into my veins.. 
          I'll be here soon once it heals all fine.  Okay?
          Don't  forget me 


Take care author 


@itz-kiaara it's alright, first take your time to get healed properly and take care of yourself after than you can always return safely with a new spirit ❤️ we'll be waiting ❤️


@itz-kiaara take care and get well soon...


Author nim i have a question :
          Why wattpad takes down stories from it’s own where author nim doesn’t unpublish or delete their stories!!???????? 


@itz-kiaara Thank you so much for your suggestions ❤️❤️i was really depressed reading one comment.. Readers said he/she felt suffocated reading my sick fic....i cannot blame him/her because it was me who was asking for readers thoughts about my stories as i was getting Reader's  comments in my stories.... If you don’t find any feed back, you can't enjoy the writing... Right???


@Jin9102000 then you should have say that don't  read my book if u don't  like it.   And yes then one who enjoy it will sure tell you 


@itz-kiaara Love you author nim❤️❤️you are so understanding ❤️❤️i really like you❤️


Hey kitties. I know  you haven't heard anything from me.
          You all wants updates.
          I want to do updates too.
          But I am really  swamped up with tons of stuff right now.
          In case you don't know.  My sister just gave birth to a baby girl. I love that little one so much. 
          So the thing is.. I am taking care of the baby most of the time along with my other stuff.
          Woah. It  takes so much of my energy.  My sister had a c-section and really  weak so I am trying to help her in it. 
          The baby girl is a night owl you all. She sleeps all day and stay awake all night .. I haven't slept more than an hour or two past 18 days.
          I am really  surprised how much work and efforts and hardships it asks to be a mother.
          I am not married but just taking care of a baby made me thinking it's so tiring.. your life just make a 360 turn.
          But anyways.. I am sorry if anyone waiting for books. I'll  try to make some updates but I can't promise.. 
          Until my sister  get better to take care of the baby ...I am going to help her.
          You all take care of yourself a lot okay .
          See ya


@itz-kiaara congratulations to your sister♥️


Hey kitties.  I am sure you all are waiting  for updates..
          I am really  busy.. I became auntt.. on Feb 1st. I am so happy.
          A baby girl came and so I am busy with her and my sister.  I am here only sister and my mother  can't  take care of her that much  ..
          I am really  busy .. I am sorry but I am happy. 
          Please  pray for her and my princess. 
          Stay tuned. I'll  be back soon.


Hey kitties. I was gone for a while right?
          I don't know  where i was .. or what. It was a roller coaster past many days.. 
          Not in a bad way or anything... 
          Guests keep coming back to back. I was exhausted. Lol.
          How are you? 
          I was trying to do some projects I got. I have an eye appointment tomorrow.. I hope it doesn't  get postponed. 
          I was busy.. 
          How you spent your days? I really  wanna know  ....
          You all good?


@itz-kiaara any of your books the pending and new one 


@racs052078 ooh which book update u waiting? 


@itz-kiaara just been waiting for your story update 