
My lovely readers - Strawberries and Whipped cream is officially online! I hope you enjoy it. I was quite scared to post this as it is a little unusual from what I normally upload on here but maybe you will enjoy a cute wlw summer romance? 
          	Lots of Love - Hanna


@hannaZhrb I love everything you write!


I'm a representative of Newreading. We are interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform. 
             Being a signed author of Newreading is an exciting milestone In your writing career. We offer two types of contracts: Exclusive And Non-Exclusive Contracts 
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          180K Words = 
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Dear author,
          Reading “Save me Romeo” was such a rollercoaster. I usually shy away from books that describe such dark topics but this story was written so beautifully and tactfully that I had no choice but to finish it. I also fell in love with the characters and your writing style. Thank you for sharing your talents!


My lovely readers - Strawberries and Whipped cream is officially online! I hope you enjoy it. I was quite scared to post this as it is a little unusual from what I normally upload on here but maybe you will enjoy a cute wlw summer romance? 
          Lots of Love - Hanna


@hannaZhrb I love everything you write!


Hey everybody! 
          So, a year or so ago I wrote a book and did not publish it on here. Why? It is different from my usual work. It's wlw, call me by your name style. I was unsure if it would fit my platform. But I am now thinking about uploading it here. Would you guys be interested in that? 
          Lots of Love - Hanna


If it's written by you then yes 


@hannaZhrb I would literally read ANYTHING from you xd


@hannaZhrb I lit have been wondering if u ever would