

oh i forgot we can’t put emojis on our wall.


hi guys sorry for disappearing again. i might try and log in here every now and then to update the books i avtuslly like, but if u need to contact me in the meantime you can comment on the wall for @brimymistake , just bc im mainly logged into that one. hope you all had a great v day yesterday! :)


just to clarify i doubt i’ll start any brand new books on here, but i’ll slowly update. also once season 2 of one piece and season 3 or alice in borderland come out ill 100% add to my zoro and chishiya books


this message may be offensive
Hey so i know this probably the most random thing ever but ur story “change”  was probably the best thing i’ve ever read like genuinely that shit had me tweaking when i got to the last chapter i don’t think i will ever be able to read anything that will ever compare to it i legit would stay up until 4 am reading the chapters and i was so scared to finish reading it was i wasn’t ready for the end but i finally did read the last chapter and it ended perfectly ur really talented and i wish u the best!! 


omg thank you so much! although i do feel somewhat guilty for ruining your sleep schedule lmao


Hello! I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I wanted to ask if you give me permission to translate your stories into Spanish. If you don't have confidence, you can go through my account and note that I am always credited and clarify whose story it is. I totally understand if you don't agree, thank you for your time!!


hi i’m so sorry for the late reply, but if you’re still interested then you can go ahead! 


also do any of u care about any of my other books bc ill slowly start updating them again if yall want