I don’t understand why James was mad that reg was back in Sirius’s life
Reading Lists
updated chapter 16 on ao3 is so INFITELY better than its original version and i absolutely do think you guys should go check it out
I don’t understand why James was mad that reg was back in Sirius’s life
Will regulus continue attending the sessions that dumbldore gives him
How many chapters of regs summer are there going to be And did you start writing the new chapter?
Ch 16 is soooo good I just finished it
updated chapter 16 on ao3 is so INFITELY better than its original version and i absolutely do think you guys should go check it out
How would you describe regs seer powers I still don’t get it that much Like what can he do Can his powers develop or something
@joe5sv (second part:) Now that he's run away from home, that he's living with Sirius, that he's not overwhelmed by his mother's looming presence, and that Dumbledore is helping him unleash his powers, he sees everything more clearly. When he has those sessions with Dumbledore, all the channels that filter what he sees (which had been partially closed his entire life) open up completely, and Regulus becomes a kind of antenna that picks up all the outside signals. That's why he needs to take potions that get him high to shut it all up. He hears everything and sees everything, to the point where he can't even find his own thoughts, can't even distinguish reality from what's inside his head. My favourite part of writing this is what Sirius said: "I think about saying something, and he predicts what I'm going to say, then he answers before I say it. It's an entire conversation of me speaking monosyllables and him answering in complete sentences. We look like nitwits!" Sirius thinks about saying something, and Regulus hears it in his head before he actually says it, and answers without Sirius even needing to speak. They have an entire conversation without Sirius saying a complete sentence. I think that's pretty funny lmao. What Dumbledore wants to achieve is for Regulus to be able to filter all of these visions himself. Have him open to everything but see only what he needs to see (which, for Dumbledore, is predicting Voldemort). Until now, the visions came to him when he needed them. Dumbledore wants him to summon them himself. Regulus having that vision at the end of the last chapter is a bit of a turning point with his visions too (because before Dumbledore treats him, Voldemort will try to use his powers for his own advantage as well); but you'll have to read about that in the next chapter haha.
@joe5sv They are hard to explain, honestly. Their powers are constantly evolving, too. They /have/ developed and /will/ develop further. At the beginning of Carpe Noctem, Reggie's powers were somewhat suppressed. Walburga didn't want Regulus to draw attention to himself, so she never helped him control them. They showed up in small ways—a sudden, urgent feeling to move aside if he felt a Bludger flying straight at him. An urge to reach his hand out just instants before an object falls off a shelf. A heavy feeling in the stomach if something bad is going to happen during the day. They were simply intuitions, impulses, urges. Regulus lived suppressing his emotions, doing what he was told, so his clairvoyance was also somewhat dull and suppressed. Then James appears, and this happens at the same time the teachers find out he's a Seer, and they force him to let his feelings flow. James makes him open his heart, and that also opens him up to those sudden premonitions. Studying with Professor Tuttle in advanced divination, he pushes it further. He sees things more clearly. He knows when someone is going to enter a room, predicts specific events (like when he predicted that James and Sirius were going to burn down the library...). D reams have always been a part of his visions. They're the ultimate form of clairvoyance. They give him vague clues about his future (Alphard's death, what happened in the Shrieking Shack, his father's illness...) The more he develops his powers, the more often he has them and the clearer they are.
heyyy quick question, was there a chapter in carpe noctem where they all went to a queen concert or am i tripping???
Eva I remember you saying a longgggh time ago that James is going to kiss Barry cuz he’s mad at reg Is that true or was I imagining it
@evareinadeescocia ohhhh my god I just opened Wattpad to reread it and I was wondering when was that lol
@joe5sv i just remembered this was supposed to happen in chapter 47, when james goes to that ministry auror meeting. James says “he’s most certainly not chosen me” and barty answers “you’ve got no idea, have you?” because its during the time james still thought regulus was a death eater!!! Thats funny lmao i had completely forgotten about this
will sirius be the first to find out what happened between james and regulus?
What do you think of Gideon? Do you like him
@RegulusBlcks i’m not gonna lie, every other character regulus and james have been involved with throughout carpe noctem, i’ve hated A LOT. Nao? Loathed her. Connie? Ew. Adam? So annoying. Evan? I don’t think I even need to say anything. Olivia? Awful.But I don’t really hate Gideon as much, idk why. His only sin is being profoundly in love with james and honestly, can’t blame him
@joe5sv meh. I mean, I don’t hate him. I think he’s sweet, and good for James. He’s too self-righteous— james and him are so alike, he’s pretty much what james would be if he weren’t friends with sirius and in love with regulus (therefore didnt have all that other perspective of “yeah, people are not only either black or white”— and even he struggles with that some times, so imagine) *I* know what’s gonna happen to him so I sometimes feel bad for the guy. He’s gonna have a much worse fate than he deserves— regulus can be truly wicked, specially when someone messes with what’s his
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