hm? i brushed it this morning

saints, i can barely breathe in this!

theah, drop it..

@euryphea [achilde had spent most of his life discussing what would be required of him as the eldest child of a membresia. it had stripped him of his youth and left him to grow up faster than those around him, yet —- his sisters were allowed to do as they pleased. to spend their lives in the way that they wished and all while he was bounded to duty. SO, to an extent, he understood her frustrations.] I DO NOT, your feelings on the matter are all rational. [he’s propped against his fist, staring at the dallen with a look that could only be described as.. fondness. the attire that he had worn early had been stripped and replaced the moment it had been soiled by the rain, the wetness making him uncomfortable—- his normal knitted sweaters and tailored trousers were substituted for a hoodie and pants that belonged to nate. Long, thick, locks that were usually pinned were down and damped by the rain. and he hated the smell the greenhouse was emitting, but it was the closet thing to them.] you do what was obligatory for you, theah dallen .. and he, gets to stir the pot of poor words for him and that.. unfortunate girl.

[ the dallen’s been all nerves the past few days. she’s to be wed, a little lady in white, hírilía’s been shedding her seasonally — sensitive scales now more than usual, the academy’s gossips whisper that her betrothed’s been seen in late — night escapades with a looney bin, and @soverlars can just be so loud. without any effort, without having to command the chords of his enunciated vocals. it’s just the two of them in the secluded corners of the greenhouses peering into the fine greenery of the gardens. her feet & shoe — wear, mary — janes cladded as if to prepare for the battleground of fifth period, not wet from the rain outside but still shrouded with an undefined type of cold. maybe it’s chronic, maybe it’s seasonal like (híri)lía’s shed. pages in her worn book on beowulf history are frantically flipped until they are not and theah dallen’s similarly frigid hands travel north to fix her near — perfect braid. she realizes, and tints a slight rose — pink at the consciousness of, that the majority of the ambiance’s sounds had solely been her insentient doing. there’s a small window of waiting. ] — YOU MUST THINK OF ME A CHILD. [ the admittance is whisper — soft, death — chilled. the safe distance between their sat persons seems to close in by the end of it. theah feels it by the urge of her bones to lead to fix off any strays in her braid once more. she feels spoiled, improper in every sense of the word as she then makes eye contact with achilde without breaking her practiced composure. to talk about rosaunt made some sense. but to talk — nay, rather moan & groan & pity & lament, — over him with achilde membresia in presence, no matter the pretense of their unfeigned friendship, felt completely and irrevocably wrong in the moment. ]

you’re angry with me,

I’M —— FURIOUS WITH YOU. [though the response she receives is born out of stupid — frustration and the frightened under — belly of heed that was special to theah dallen. especially when it came down to @martyrem.] our dinner with mother and father is in less than three days and only a couple of hours, and you’ve managed to ride your red death to near — death. how did you get these, anyway? [she halts for a moment, fretting movement in her care of the other’s self — sustained wounds.] you know what, d — don’t even answer that. I DON’T THINK I CARE TO KNOW. [oh, but she did. made obvious perhaps in the way she’d been buzzing in her cousin’s ear since she’d all but thrown herself across dorm floors after an excessively scrutinizing match between the lions against the ravens. with an accentuated huff inwards her hair, liberated from the pull of its usual academic braids within the safe confines of hearth, is tucked behind ear from sandbox — dated habit.]

* cb & specify!

A soft apparition pigeoned in the attic,