
new update!


hey hey, just going to give you a little update:) i was kinda having writers block because i know what is going to happen, but didn't know how to execute it in a timely order so i've spent the last 2 days organizing the next 11 chapters and what each chapter is going to be about. (basically i made a layout so i have my thoughts in order and don't get confused)
          so now that i have that all set in stone, i should get back to writing very soon! obviously the chapters aren’t written just little ideas.
          i haven't been working on an update the last few days because my SAT is tmrw (it's 11pm currently and the test is at 8am so i should be going to bed) and i've been studying like crazy! when i get back from it though the writing will begin, so expect a chapter either tomorrow or sunday! love you!
          - c <3
          p.s- things are about to get juicy ö


hey, sorry i haven’t updated in a bit. school has been super stressful and it’s leaving me in a negative headspace. i have half of the chapter done, and hope to have it finished by wednesday. thank u to my 2 readers(love u) for your patience and support. hope to have more for you to read very soon!
          - c <3


I’m so sorry, I hope school gets better ;(


heyy babe!
          i’m writing a book with Harry Styles as the main character (obviously <3) and Jade Thirlwall from Little Mix. If you have a bit of time to check it out it would mean a world to me ♡
          lots of love x


yess it looks so good! can’t wait to read it:)