
/  getting to things soon btw but at the main time check thiss  <3  @artofsduction


(  after  chloe  was  given  the  run  down  of  the  rules  and  regulations  when  visiting  a  patient  a  heavy  door  was  unlocked  to  reveal  will  seated  at  a  table,  his  wrists  bound  and  chained  to  a  latch  in  the  middle  of  the  table  with  a  clear  restraint  mask  covering  the  lower  half  of  his  face  to  keep  him  from  biting  in  which  he'd  done  several  times  when  being  moved  about.  )  chloe.  (  he  started  to  wiggle  slightly  as  she  was  let  in.  )


            (  realistically  one  of  the  rules  was  not  to  touch  the  patient  you  were  visiting.  for  the  visitor's  safety  of  course  but  whoever  was  on  guard  watching  them  from  afar  truly  didn't  seem  to  care  all  that  much.  with  each  touch  he  received  he'd  lean  into  it  rubbing  against  her  fingers  with  his  head,  allowing  her  to  touch  the  upper  half  of  his  face  and  his  curly,  tousled  hair.  it  was  unkept  entirely  in here  so  certain  spots  were  slightly  frizzy.  )
            (  his  skin  was  raw  and  practically  screaming  for  him  to  lower  his  hands  down  but  he  wouldn't  heed  the  warning  from  his  own  body.  tugging  more  at  the  chain  that  was  linked  to  the  table  just  to  attempt  to  touch,  and  hug  her.  his  eyes  close  as  he  buried  his  face  against  her,  the  mask  still  putting  up  a  barrier  but  he  didn't  care  at  least  she  was  holding  him.  )   i  need  to  get  out  of  here,  i  don't  belong  here.  im  not crazy.. 
            (  he  frowned  softly  beneath  the  mask,  part  of  him  never  wanted  her  to  figure  out  where  he'd  gone  to.  maybe  it  would've  been  better  that  way.  but  when  he  got  a  phone  call  she  was  the  first  number  his  fingers  began  to  click  in.  after  her  he  called  alana,  a  coworker  more  or  less  to  take  in  his  dogs  while  he  was  away.  at  this  point  he  didn't  know  when  he'd  be  free  again.  )   they  put  it  on  when  i  have  visitors.  it's  a  precaution,  i  bit  one  of  the  staff  and  they  can't  seem  to  get  over  it.  he  deserved  it.  if  they  treat  me  like  an  animal  ill  act  like  one.
            (  his  head  leans  back  and  he  looks  up  at  her.  )  i  miss  my  dogs ..  i  hope  they  are  being  taken  care  of.  i  couldn't  give  alana  the  rundown  they  cut  my  line.


‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ@empathybydesign  ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ  ׅ⎖
            (  chloe  ran  her  fingers  through  his  tousled  locks,  her  touch  slow,  deliberate,  as  if  memorizing  the  feel  of  him  beneath  her  fingertips.  her  hand  drifted  down,  tracing  the  curve  of  his  cheek  with  the  gentlest  caress,  her  thumb  brushing  over  his  skin  with  quiet  reverence.
            ‎‎‎‎‎‎leaning  in,  she  pressed  soft  kisses  to  the  crown  of  his  head,  then  his  forehead,  each  one  lingering  just  a  little  longer  than  the  last.  finally,  she  wrapped  her  arms  around  him  once  more,  pulling  him  into  the  warmth  of  her  embrace,  her  hold  firm,  unwavering—  like  a  protective  shield  against  the  world  that  had  been  so  cruel  to  him. )‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤi  miss  you  too…  more  than  anything.ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ(  the  words  left  her  in  a  near-whisper,  raw  and  trembling  with  emotion.  her  voice  cracked  ever  so  slightly,  betraying  the  tears  she  struggled  to  hold  back. 
             this  was  absurd—nonsense.  how  could  they  treat  him  like  this?  the  injustice  of  it  burned  in  her  chest,  a  quiet  rage  simmering  beneath  her  grief.  she  wanted  to  care  for  him,  to  feed  him,  to  make  sure  he  was  eating  something  good—  something  made  with  love.  if  it  meant  coming  here  every  single  day,  she  wouldn’t  mind.  )‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ…it  hurts  me  to  see  you  like  this.ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ(  her  hands  tightened  slightly  around  him,  as  if  willing  him  to  absorb  her  warmth,  to  know  he  wasn’t  alone. )‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤhow  do  you  eat  and  drink  with  that  on  your  face…?ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
            (  the  question  left  her  lips  in  a  whisper,  laced  with  quiet  devastation.  she  hated  this—  hated  seeing  him  like  this. )


            (  his  hands  could  only  be  lifted  so  much  without  the  metal  digging  into  his  skin,  he  did  his  very  best  to  return  the  hug.  will  hadn't  received  any  sort  of  embrace  since  he  was  admitted.  the  only  touch  he  felt  was  when  he  got  restrained.  needless  to  say  he  was  a  bit  touched  starved.  even  more  than  he  usually  was.  his  head  turned  and  he  mimicked  a  kiss  to  her  cheek  the  best  he  could  with  what  essentially  was  a  muzzle,  the  clear  material  pressing  against  her  face  as  he  attempted  time  and  time  again  to  reciprocate  the  affection.  his  eyes  showed  pure  exhaustion,  he  was  hardly  able  to  sleep  in  this  place.  it  was  cold,  and  so  very  noisy  when  it  came  to  the  other  patients.  he  was  treated  like  an  animal  in  this  place.  like  he  has  no  thoughts  or  feelings.  the  food  served  was  slop  that  wasn't  even  filling,  he  felt  constantly  hungry  despite  being  fed  semi  regularly.  he  hadn't  seen  the  sunlight  in  what  to  him  felt  like  years.  )  i  miss  you.  so  much.


ah, hey—  mind if i join you? 


@CRISENROT ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ◌˚୨‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤeh  just  random  things  for  the  kitchen.   [...]    unfortunately  i  am  the  one  who's  doing  it  not  my  nonexistent  husband.  );
            /  I'm sorry abt her bluntness i swear it's only lighthearted flirting


huh, and what's on your shopping list? if you don't mind me asking. 


@CRISENROT . . . ᥀ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤnothing  important,  just  writing  my  shopping  list  for  the  week. 


the  dogs  miss  you  :(


            ive  been  really  busy,  im  so  sorry  chloe.  you  know  work  keeps  me  held  up.  of  course  i  missed  you.


@empathybydesign ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ◌˚୨‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤand  why  didn't  you  visit  me, love?  don't  say  you  didn't  miss  me.  )':


            you'll  have  to  come  see  me  and  the  dogs  then.  i  understand  you've  been  really  busy  just..  whenever  you  have  the  time.


|  >:)  surprise  drop
          you  don't  have  to  tell  me  anything,  we  can  just  sit  here.


            no,  no.  im  comfortable.  don't  move.  [  after  a  moment  he  laid  his  head  against  her  shoulder,  sighing  at  the  feeling  of  her  fingers  in  his  slightly  curly  hair.  ]


@empathybydesign . . . ᥀ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ(   chloe  smiled  smally, her  hand  absentmindly  caressing  his  hair. )    am  I  making  you  uncomfortable?  i  can  move  away.. 


            whatever  you  want  to  make  ill  eat,  you  know  im  not  picky.  [  he  responded  as  he  wrapped  his  arms  hesitantly  around  her.  ]


hello.  it  is  not  offen  i  have  a  drink  that  i  don't  make  myself.  is  there  anything  you  recommend  .ᐣ


@fleshtemptation . . . ᥀ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ(   chloe  grinned  and  immediately  went  to  prepare  his  order, her  movement  around  the  counter  were  almost  flawless, moving  with  particular  ease  and  in  less  than  ten  minutes, the  caramel  macchiato  was  placed  in  front  of  him.  )    here   you  go, signore. 


            [  a  simple  black  coffee  was  a  quick  and  pretty  easy  order.  but  at  her  recommendation  his  thin  lips  purse  slightly.  ]  that  sounds..  enticing.  ill  try  that.


@fleshtemptation . . . ᥀ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤcertainly  gentleman, i would normally  recommend  black  coffee  but  i  have  a  strong  feeling  that  you  will  like  our  caramel macchiato, would  you  like  to  try  it? 


  OMNI-MAN   :  
             i'll  take  a  coffee.   no  sugar.  little  bit  of  cream. 


i'll  try  both.  uh..  one  of  each.  


@vltrumitpwr . . . ᥀ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤhm.. of  course.  i  think  you'll  love  our  strawberry  shortcake,  something  light  and  less  sugary.  .. or  perhaps  some  blueberry muffins? 


any  recommendations? 