
/  cb if you’d be so kind i’ll try to adjust portrayal yay. add mood if you want :]


(    late but  !!  )


 / banter


that sounded so good!    [   kate said to her boss as she exited the recording room,   taking off her purple shades and hooked it on the neck of her shirt.    ]    sorry,   i had just walked in while you were recording.    the guys let me in knowing i'm your...    you know.    but it's a shame,   i never really listened to a lot of your music prior to working for you.    not really one for the genre.    [    she expounded.    but nonetheless,   she clapped her gloved hands together and rubbed them,    ]    either way,   you finished?    i was told you wanted to go somewhere.


@hawkettes ┆oh, thank you, kate. please don’t. please don’t stop.  [ giving her a playful wink, nellie took the headphones off and grabbed a purse. ]  yes! let’s go to the fifth avenue. i’ll see my mom next week and if i don’t get something now lord knows i won’t have time.  [  she clasped her hands together, nodding along for the two to get going, putting on her own shades.  ]  what do you listen to, then? maybe we can share— or give me a new recommendation, who knows?  [ she’d admit she wasn’t exactly sure whether or not the archer was a fan or not upon contacting her. she didn’t see anything that screamed it, but she couldn’t know for sure! now that she looked at it, though, it was probably for the best,  /especially/ in terms of a job that she was more neutral about it. she didn’t even want to think of how sketchy and irresponsible hiring a /fan/ for this would be.  ]


─── W͟H͟A͟T͟ ͟A͟R͟E͟ ͟ you hiding back there? 


@hydratech ┆hiding?  [ glancing back at the locked door, nellie chuckled, shaking her head. ]  oh, you make it sound so machiavellian, tina. not exactly hiding, that’s just the technical room. lights, speakers, microphones… things of the sort.


“ Well , I’ve seen your face on billboards and posters before , “  he chuckles lightly.  “ A singer , huh ?  Can’t say I’ve ever sat down and heard your music before , I’m too busy to have time for that anymore…  your name is Nellie Moore , correct ? “


                 “ Hm , I’ve never really thought about that now that you mention it , “  he hums as he takes a few seconds to think.  “ I personally like songs from the 70s and 80s , mostly classic rock , “  he smiles.  “ It gives a nostalgic feeling , y’know ?  Something that I grew up with…  do you have any upcoming concerts by any chance ?  Perhaps I can come and bring some of my men there as a place to unwind for a bit. “


@diamond_dogs ┆ v, i like how that sounds.  [ if nellie saw smiles, she was bound to respond the same way. how could she not? even if there wasn’t one, she would most likely try, anyway. ]  oh, well, both are correct, really.  i started country then transitioned to pop. even had a bit of an alternative-folksy blip in there.  i’ve tried rock only a couple times but i’d love to do more someday. i like to think i’m versatile… y’know hopefully a little something for everyone. […] what are you most into?


                 He extends his arm out and takes her hand , giving it a shake as he surprisingly gives her a smile , a rare sight to behold coming from him.  “ You can call me V , “  he says before gently pulling his hand away.  “ What type of music do you do ?  Country ?  Pop ?  I should really give it a try someday , maybe during one of my operations. , “  he chuckles lightly.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ huh.   you look just like that girl on the poster over there.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ (   any smugness in his expression melted away as the offer was made,   replaced with genuine surprise.   )       seriously?       (   he'd let out a soft scoff.   )       yeah,   that sounds good.   i'm in.   do you need my number?


@lovefold ┆correct. n as in nellie moore. i have a proposition for you, lev. i’m shooting a music video in about two weeks time. considering it’s my song, i can pretty much pick who i want in it. if you’re interested and all… i think you’d be great.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ lev.   lev grey.   what’s yours?   starts with an n,   don’t it?


    “ you look so familiar. i can’t quite remember the name though. sorry love. “


@ashesriscn     i’m a nanny. never been a live in nanny until now. got my own room and all. i’m caring for a toddler while mum stays home with the newborn. it seems like i’m taking care for all three of them now. poor thing. and she’s so young. but you’re famous! how are you not tired?


@city_del ┆awh, really, if i resented anyone who didn’t know my name at first glance my kidneys would burst! it’s okay, sweet. [or perhaps she’d take it more to heart if she were younger, but there was some grace in age.] you good? you do look a little tired. lovely. but tired.


@ashesriscn   nellie moore. yes! now i remember. tsk, i feel awful because you’re quite famous. i’ve just been so tired as of late i’m usually good with faces and names.


i think i blew up one of your billboards...   maybe 2 of them.


@hawkettes ┆ see, that makes a lot of sense. so wise, too. not just for health, but this world, /god/, crazy, right? [ an overwhelmed chuckle slipped her lips. the planet and its people were already volatile as they came, add in super-powers and villains and heroes and aliens and OTHER things nellie probably couldn’t even name… it was best not to think it too hard. not sober, at least. ] i’m glad to hear you so willing. honestly, eases me up, too. well, let’s see. you wouldn’t be the /only/ one, of course. i’m not crazy enough to do that. but you would stay around me. not next to, but close by, does that make sense? it wouldn’t be one of those full uniform don’t-leave-my-side images like in the movies. what would be great with you is you don’t look like the conventional bodyguard. [ nellie did not want to brag either, but when she came up with the idea, she believed that was the particular genius of it. for better or worse, people didn’t usually expect a twenty-year old woman to defend anyone, really. ]  is there any time i should know about where you’re off-reach? i would do my best not to consume your life, but it’s good to establish from the start.
            / that makes so much sense actually!! excellent implementation if i do say so myself 


i definitely will!  i like to have walks around the city sometime before going to...   my friends house so i'll keep an eye out.   [  kate grinned as she looked at nellie,   she was getting alright vibes.   and even though rumors spread,   she never really cared.   you just couldn't make people happy nowadays and really...   kate's just glad that there's a female on top for once.   ]     oh,   thank you!   when i was younger i was put into so many extra things...   ballet,   fencing,   archery,   martial arts,   the sorts.   not to brag,   really.   but thank you,   it means a lot.   [   and she means it,   kate really doesn't like talking about her old man,   it was a tough relationship.   but,   she calmed down and interlocked her gloved hands together and letting them drop down so she could listen.   ]    i fully understand,   ms moore,   truly i do.    i've been through a lot,   some of the things i can't even say.    intense encounters are sort of my thing,   so whatever it is i can take it.   even if my weapon of choice is unorthodox and i might not be able to carry it around most times.   i can handle it!
            /    GEHEHHE i took straight inspo from the comics ngl bc she does a LOT of internal monologue-fourth wall breaking 


@hawkettes ┆ give them a look if you come across one, okay? what i think’s cool isn’t always true for everyone. [ nellie would admit that after so many experiences, kate’s youthful energy was refreshing. a little unnerving, potentially having someone younger in such a position, but the girl was a master at her craft, no doubt! ] well, i do have eyes and ears everywhere, kate. but i’ll admit i have seen it with my own two eyes, too. i’m so impressed. i wouldn’t reach out just for who your father is. [ sure, it made her easier to put on the map, but never mind if the skill was there! ] well, kate, i do want to make sure you know what it entails. being who i am, there’s been a few intense encounters. please ask if you want to know the specifics. you’re young, i just– i wouldn’t want to put you in a position you’d feel drowned in.
            / the internal monologue-fourth wall break within the description brackets PLS i giggled 