
hey guys! I hope you all are doing well.
          	Just hopping on here to say the very slow updates on Waiting for Sunday will continue to be very (very) slow because I'm working on rewriting/revising another book to hopefully get officially published. I hate being all finicky with my projects like this, but I write best when I'm really passionate about what I'm working on, which is unfortunately not W4S right now. Thank you for understanding and I'll see you around!
          	-J. Nicole


Hey JNicole,
          I hope it's okay if I can post it but can I make a fanart of Grey and Midge from that's a good question?


My Instagram name is locsoflove33


@amthefireball999 if you could dm it to me on instagram (jnicolewrites) that would be great! thank you so much! 


hey guys! I hope you all are doing well.
          Just hopping on here to say the very slow updates on Waiting for Sunday will continue to be very (very) slow because I'm working on rewriting/revising another book to hopefully get officially published. I hate being all finicky with my projects like this, but I write best when I'm really passionate about what I'm working on, which is unfortunately not W4S right now. Thank you for understanding and I'll see you around!
          -J. Nicole


hey everyone! a few things:
          1) thank you so much for all the love The Search for Juno has been getting recently! (80k is actually insane???) s4j was one of my crazier brain children for sure so it means a lot :)
          2) so sorry I haven't updated Wating for Sunday in a while! I have no excuse other than I got super into other writing projects (ahem like improbable cause) and I kinda just follow wherever my inspiration takes me. But I haven't abandoned it and I have spring break coming up, so I should have more time to get back on task lol.
          Thanks again for all your support and I hope you guys are living your best lives. Talk again soon!
          -J. Nicole


Hope everyone had a restful holiday season and a happy new year! Very excited to see what 2024 has in store for us ;)
          I'm starting it off strong by working on a little bonus story related to The Search for Juno/Olympian VIP because I'm feeling sentimental and I miss those characters so bad omg. It'll be short, probably ~7 chapters, so check it out if you're interested! (It does take place after the events of the duology so definitely read that first if you don't want spoilers.) The first chapter is here:
          Since this is just a side project I don't have a set update schedule yet, but I will let you know if that changes!!
          J. Nicole


sorry I’ve missed the past two weeks of updates! Things got crazy with finals and holiday travel, but I’m hoping to get back on it soon. Thanks for understanding and happy holidays to all of you as well!
          J. Nicole 


All treats, no tricks here: I posted a little birthday bonus chapter for Sorin on my Patreon at the link below, and for this week and this week only (ending Saturday, Nov. 4th) it will be open for everyone to read, without a paywall! 
          Go check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sorin-bonus-92016123?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
          Once again, happy Halloween!


Wow. Tomorrow is October, can you guys believe that?? It's one of my fave months because spooky season obvi but also because it's Sorin Kircher month ;)
          If you follow my insta you may already have an idea of this, but I'll be celebrating Sorin's birthday (Oct. 31st) all month by posting art and bonus chapters on Patreon. I'll probably also be posting some smaller stuff on my instagram story at the same time because I have no self control. 
          If you celebrate Halloween, are you guys dressing up this year? Would love to know what you're thinking of being >:)
          That's all for now. Happy Sorin month and happy spooky season!


@_jnicole_ YAY! October is also National Book Month. I also like dressing up as Wednesday Addams for Halloween and reading dark stories during the weekends ( ・∇・)