
Hello, readers & followers! I have a question for you to answer based on your view of point and reaction.
          	[Moreover, any answers are not relatable to this board, which is strictly not allowed]
          	Those who have read or know about Salvatia, then what do you think if they become inspiration-based Zeon/Neo Zeon/The Sleeve from Gundam UC series since some Mecha Fighters from Grand Army of Salvatia (G.A.S.) and Black Death Legion (Xavier Salvador private army), are somewhat similarly of Zeon appearance design if you have seen it?


@XwarCommander1230 So no 1 will ever find the truth about how the False Republic and the Jedi Order actually being bad while keeping it unfair for the Combine? Is that it?


@XwarCommander1230 Next time the False Republic or the Jedi Order makes their return or if the CIS gets the spotlight, I will no doubt skip or never read it because it will all be propaganda.


@XwarCommander1230 But it would still have been more accurate if the analysis wasn't propaganda though. Also, surprisingly there are actually a few others who would vote for the Combine, 1 of them being Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill and everyone else who has a similar belief as her because atrocity or not they still think that the strongest should be at the top. And the problem with the "analysis" was that they never shown nor told everyone that the False Republic and the Jedi Order are still bad. I wanted a Death Battle that is not only fair and not one-sided, but also 1 that has accuracy as well as truths. Not a propaganda to make the Combine look more evil and the False Republic look good because honestly, it's basically just making the whole thing unfair.


Hey Xwar,what if there is an organization that welcomes every races but wants to attain power by raiding and looting from all multiversal warlords including Salvatia while enjoying everything in the name of their own free will? How it will effect the multiverse? What are Salvatia and the Combine react to this?


@XwarCommander1230 Also, Emperor Belos would no doubt vote for the Combine too.


@XwarCommander1230 So that means the Real Truth about the False Republic and the Jedi Order will never ever be revealed?
            Sure I hate those guys but I also hate the Combine just as much so calling me biased would be far off since I not only hate both sides but I also want them both exposed regardless of how I think that the Combine got an unfair treatment when both should've gotten the same treatment when it comes to exposing everything to make it fair. But besides my hate, as a fanfiction author I think some accuracy and truths should've been revealed and it would've still had been a more interesting reaction if both sides had their darkness revealed equally rather than make the other side look bad while its opponent look good. Heck, there are a few characters who'd vote for the Combine like Esdeath, maybe even Scarlet King, Davoth, and a few other villains who are just as evil as well as those with the belief of only the strong survives. Yes, I love the battle but even that has its own problems because there were some weapons, ships, and vehicles that were missing from the analysis like the Mandator II Star Destroyer as well as the Imperator Star Destroyer for example. No hard feelings though, just pointing out the flaws of that Death Battle.


Yeah they have 3 options, surrender or death or.... making alliance with Salvatia since there are an organization that welcomes every race but will get restricted by them 


@XwarCommander1230 I have a question, what anime do you know and will the characters from them react to the next chapters of Death Battle and other stories of this type?


@XwarCommander1230 I was just curious, but oh well.


@Max2003Duda Sorry. But I won't answer your questions.


Hello, readers & followers! I have a question for you to answer based on your view of point and reaction.
          [Moreover, any answers are not relatable to this board, which is strictly not allowed]
          Those who have read or know about Salvatia, then what do you think if they become inspiration-based Zeon/Neo Zeon/The Sleeve from Gundam UC series since some Mecha Fighters from Grand Army of Salvatia (G.A.S.) and Black Death Legion (Xavier Salvador private army), are somewhat similarly of Zeon appearance design if you have seen it?


@XwarCommander1230 So no 1 will ever find the truth about how the False Republic and the Jedi Order actually being bad while keeping it unfair for the Combine? Is that it?


@XwarCommander1230 Next time the False Republic or the Jedi Order makes their return or if the CIS gets the spotlight, I will no doubt skip or never read it because it will all be propaganda.


@XwarCommander1230 But it would still have been more accurate if the analysis wasn't propaganda though. Also, surprisingly there are actually a few others who would vote for the Combine, 1 of them being Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill and everyone else who has a similar belief as her because atrocity or not they still think that the strongest should be at the top. And the problem with the "analysis" was that they never shown nor told everyone that the False Republic and the Jedi Order are still bad. I wanted a Death Battle that is not only fair and not one-sided, but also 1 that has accuracy as well as truths. Not a propaganda to make the Combine look more evil and the False Republic look good because honestly, it's basically just making the whole thing unfair.


Ask questions, an example of I'm a villain of a multiverse warlord who understands human nature, war, and power, if I ask your character(Xavier) here I ask him
          Warlord: Supreme Leader, do you even know what people are doing? They're only care about chasing money, power, and hierarchy—living like a king while carrying out an evil ideology. They enjoy watching others suffer, calling them an inferior and pathetic race. The high-class families teach social Darwinism to make themselves superior while enslaving those they deem inferior, even calling themselves the superior race. They wield magic and advanced technology, oppressing those beneath them.
          But I tried to make peace. I sought to balance humanity, to rid the world of evil so that no one would suffer again. Yet, all races betrayed me and destroyed everything I built. So I made my decision—I became a dictator to eliminate all evil and bring peace under my rule. Those who refuse to follow me will be killed, including their children, without mercy.
          But now, I have issued a new order to travel the multiverse: to massacre all those who wield superior power—even those of the fantasy world, the so-called celestial gods and goddesses. To me, they are nothing more than parasites who revel in their power.
          I know you won’t agree with my vision, Supreme Leader. No matter what I do, we live in a world of discrimination and inequality. Eternal peace... is nothing but a myth.
          Sorry for what I said, @XwarCommander1230. It’s just that from my point of view, many stories, as well as corrupt governments and nobles, seem obsessed with power and superiority, forcing the weak to bow before them. 


I don't mean to be rude, but what's with your obsession with multiversal militaries and omnipotent ocs and self inserts. Power fantasies are one thing but these just seem absurd and I'm just curious why


Huh... kinda reminds me of my OC faction called the Terran Union.


@Cyth____ It means my OP main character, one or more people, will change every universe in their own ways, and not the canon event made by main characters or the timeline made of the story.


@XwarCommander1230 what does that last one mean?


Hey you probably won't respond to this but I'll ask anyway. I'm planning on doing a crossover story between the game 'Fallout' and an animated series named 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts' which will also include my OC military faction. If you don't mind, can I use that edited picture called the 'Enclave Sutherland' from your canceled story 'Code Geass: Rising Freedom Eagle'. I wish to use it for my Enclave military arsenal. If you say no then it's fine. I don't wish to me seen copying you. I respect and love your work. I really do. However, if I do have your permission to use the image I mentioned from your story, I'll make sure to mention and give you credit for it as thanks.


Hey, Im interest about your world buliding and omniverse, but will you add another faction that are not motivated by ideology,religion or facist. More like doing everything in their own free will. Similar to the Banished from Halo (Being mercenaries and pirates) and the Orks from Warhammer 40K (They love battles) but still used strength and intelligents as ranks.