Are u so fucking pathetic that the only thing u find fun is messing with other people no one likes u your that one person in the back of the classroom that wants to be the class clown but everyone is happy when your not here and half the time don't even realize it till the end of the day like go do something with your life u pathetic ass hole that's why on one like anything u do go get a life
Hey, I bet you think this is funny, but hating and bullying innocent people isn't cool. It just isn't. It makes you look like someone who is DESPERATE for attention, and it's really low.
➪ This is so stupid it’s hilarious. I hope someone removes you permanently and bring Finn back. Do you really have no hobbies except hating and hacking others accounts?
How dare you, you seem like you have no friends or life, cause people who do stuff like this usually are either lonely or just straight up mean people, like why would you dare do that, anyone could get you banned, and I hope they do.