
Tell me why wind is confusing af???
          	LEGO pls give us more info abt it's origins and make it make sense bc I can't just keep rewriting Y's connection to it ○| ̄|_


@Blue__Jayy YN would cheer on Euphrasia meanwhile Morro is just praying on her downfall (in a sibling way kinda) YN would get hella jealous of Geo and probably start messing with him by haunting him then Morro is just laughing at YN


@The1insomiac1Shiro HELP
          	  Ghost Y/n and Morro bickering about nonsense is beautiful oml


@TurtleForTheWin maybe you could have YN trapped in his mindscape or just have him be a ghost following Euphrasia around and mostly arguing with Morro about stuff


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Dude, Instead of Kai YN would ask Nya instead, he tried to ask Kai but it was just as Cole came over he shuffled elsewhere when Nya saw him. YN would be so nervous to propose. I wanna say a few moments after Lloyd and Garm left into the evil fart cloud YN drags Cole off while Nya secretly gives YN a thumbs up meanwhile YN is over here nervous and giving a thumbs up back with a nervous smile as he takes Cole into a different room. 
          “Are you okay? Is something wrong you look nervous” *Asked Cole who hadn't a  clue what was about to happen* 
          “F-fine, I am perfectly fine…I wanted to ask you something actually” *YN says his hands in his pockets fidgeting with the yin-yang that he's hiding* 
          “What is it?” *Cole asked confused* 
          “I- um- damn why is this so hard(that's what she said-me)” *YN says to himself as Cole puts his hand on YN’s shoulder* 
          “It’s okay, whatever it is it can't be that bad, just say it like ripping off a bandaid…I really have to stop doing that” *Cole says as he realizes he did the bandaid thing again*
          (First Spinjitzu Master give me strength) “Heh, um- I know the timing isn't exactly great but I still wanted to say this because I love you, and you're an amazing boyfriend so” *breathes in and out as he gets on one knee as he takes the Yin Yang promise Cole blushes as YN did too as he smiles* 
          “Will you be my yang?” *YN asked with a nervous smile holding the medallion out* 
          “The timing is bad I know but-”  *YN said before getting cut off by Cole with a kiss making the two blush even more* “Is that a yes?” *YN said his voice wavering from the surprise kiss as the two hold hands(Fuck their so gayyy my hearttt)* 
          “Yes, YN a thousand times yes!” *Cole said hugging YN and picking him up*
          “COLE! Put me down” *YN says as he giggles blushing as Cole puts him down the two kiss again as Cole takes Yang off the medallion their faces both red from blushing* 
          “We should get back to the others” *YN said still holding Cole’s hand walking out back*


@The1insomiac1Shiro 10/10 my dear, perfect set up for angst


This is just a small question for fun, if and/or when Cole and Y/N get married who would propose to who? 


@Maddhatter_160 I say YN so he and Jay can propose at the same thing it wouldn't be Cole due to him talking to Jay and Kai it would be funnier if it was YN cause that would mean Cole technically Jinxed himself on accident 


@TurtleForTheWin I feel like YN would probably be more clingy to Cole not because of mischaracterization but just based on the facts of how many times Cole has nearly died(ie the fall, Naddakan, when Lloyd and Nya thought the others died, Dragons Rising, Prime Empire, I think there's more but idk) there are a lot of times where the others died and that's actually really concerning wouldn't be surprised if you went with the cursed theory I made and YN just starts crashing out and blaming himself like a mf


The best part is no one can understand him expect Poot pixel who doesn’t wanna repeat what YN said 


@TurtleForTheWin is it bad I desperately want YN to bitch slap Harumi or be held back by the others trying to fight her while cursing her out in every language he knows


@TurtleForTheWin Turtle any reason why you confirmed past Nightmare Sans Level bullying from Y’s childhood :’) I knew it was bad but not nightmare sans level bad HOW IS HE NOT A VILIAN ALREADY also Y’s vilian name should be Chaos the opposite of Tranquility. Which reminds me since Y is a neutral chaotic type of character he murders but only bad people would C murder heroes? I think Vilian YN is just Jinx on somehow more shimmer/crack(Arcane ref)….Vilian Yn is scary 


@TurtleForTheWin Y is Jinx in a different font  I mean the similarities are insane 


@The1insomiac1Shiro really bc I have no idea how i want to present it. Nor do i know if I'm even gonna mention a specific part in the writing bc i might just forget. But its also because this is a readers insert so I like to give a general basis of what happened where the reader can give it their own spin from there! I love hearing you guys out.
            Yeah, reason being bro ain't a villain (at least in this timeline) is the classic 'out of spite to prove them wrong' type of deal. Honestly, its based it off of the ending of the 5 types of grief (acceptance vs. revenge )
            Y would definitely murder heroes. Or incapacitate them enough where they want death (i.e. Zane). Its mostly if they get in the way or become an annoyance. His only rule is he doesn't kill anyone under age of 15 and innocent (but even that he picks and chooses lol—but not the lvl of Saw's character bc that gets stupid at a point as to why they're stuck playing his game)
            Haha, he does remind me of Jinx now that I think of it. 


Tell me why wind is confusing af???
          LEGO pls give us more info abt it's origins and make it make sense bc I can't just keep rewriting Y's connection to it ○| ̄|_


@Blue__Jayy YN would cheer on Euphrasia meanwhile Morro is just praying on her downfall (in a sibling way kinda) YN would get hella jealous of Geo and probably start messing with him by haunting him then Morro is just laughing at YN


@The1insomiac1Shiro HELP
            Ghost Y/n and Morro bickering about nonsense is beautiful oml


@TurtleForTheWin maybe you could have YN trapped in his mindscape or just have him be a ghost following Euphrasia around and mostly arguing with Morro about stuff


@TurtleForTheWin I feel like Wu saw Morro in YN a few times before Season 4  but especially in season 5 when yn was upset about Wu not telling him that Morro existed YN yelling reminded him of Morro yelling at Wu because of destiny 


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@The1insomiac1Shiro hahaha, that's true. Honestly thought of a normal high-school AU (not one of the Ninjago Movie) where W takes Y in with L. But don't worry, W is actually good and knows how to handle shit well haha


@The1insomiac1Shiro when I get to S15, you'll be in for a treat (I would like to think, and hopefully so—


            Just the two working together to beat up Kalmari and Wojira 


Dude are you okay????? It’s been over a month now and now I’m slightly concerned. Of course there’s no rush but can we have a slight update indicating that you’re alive?
          Also have holidays dude!


Also love the little lore drops in the post beforehand. Goof ahh corset model and working at some local docks in the past just makes very much sense to me for y/n.


@TurtleForTheWin Aw man, that must have sucked hard, but I’m glad you seem to have some motivation now. I may not get writes block but art block is terrible, so I hope you’re doing better now. I guess I’ll cya in the next update or something, take care dude!


@WoodliePuppet_ oh no I'm fine, just got bad writers block 


[Y/n] can do pole dancing. 
          I leave you with that.
           Also, stay tuned for the end of Nov jejejeje


It would be pretty funny 
            Imagine the inner turmoil and the anxiety of anyone finding out tho- whether it be those close to him or just.. anyone considering the binja are famous
            That would actually be horrible


@Blue__Jayy I know but it would funny tho mostly because of the thought of someone accidentlly exposing to his friend because they recognized him cuz his hair/scars?


@The1insomiac1Shiro Not all pole dancers are strippers, m'lad
            Same as not all strippers are pole dancers