@Kitsch_05 hey again! firstly, i can understand you now that you listed KTV and God of Wrath. I think Rina’s LOG series is her darkest as well that she’s written. if you want to give her another chance, i would try her mafia series instead (monster trilogy & deception trilogy). besides that, here are some of my reccs (again please heed the TW before fully diving into any of these. i can’t recall the trigger warnings for each specifically, but these reccs are some i did enjoy (however i love dark romance so it may be tame to me, but im not sure for you)): Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver & Marrow by Trisha Wolfe (both are serial killers themed), Amo Jones Elite Kings Club series (secret society), the Hollow Boys series by Monty Jay (College centered), The Ritual by Shantel Tessier. ill list just these as most are series, but hopefully you like them!