
Hello humansssss,
          	Just a FYI, since Control has come to an end and there are loads of questions swirling.
          	I'm writing two bonus chapters for Control, one of which those on Patreon and my website will get before the end of the month. You guys should be getting it on the first week of April.
          	My next book will be Aiasthlyn - Book 2 in the Eternal Annals story. You do not need to read Master first, as it'll start before the events of Master.
          	I am taking a break between finishing and starting a new read, so I do not yet have a date for when I will start, but I will let you know ASAP.
          	For those asking for Peter's book, it'll be the book to come after Aiasthlyn, with the potential of an early start, depending on events following the rewrite publication - more details are on my FAQ page on my website - https://tippysuniverse.com/faq/
          	As always, I'll keep you all posted as I go. Thanks for all the love! ❤️


Read all the books, can’t wait for the “light post “ /aiasthyln’s book


@Tippy446 Thanks for your hardwork and an amazing story like Control. I really love that story. I've read all your books. You're amazing Tippy.
          	  PS: I just started writing my own story.


 Thank you for all your hard work and writing. I CANT WAIT FOR AIASTHYLN. im sure itll be amazing as the rest of your books are. Take your time. Thank you again ❤️❤️


Hi people and Tippy! I think I asked this question not that long ago but I’m looking for this story. I’m not sure if it’s discontinued or the author took it down but it’s with Camila Cabello! It’s a Y/n intersex story and she play basketball! While y/n is playing basketball. She sees Fifth Harmony playing in the crowd and she gets all nervous because she sees her crush Camila and then they kinda get introduced and I think they go on a date a couple days later after they meet and it’s just a really good story. I’ve been trying to find it. I don’t know what happened to it. Honestly, it was on my reading list and then it disappeared . Camila and y/n have a baby boy and then I’m pretty sure they have twins later on so I’m trying to find the story. I don’t really think it’s a thing anymore but if it isn’t, anybody finds it, can you send me the title and the author? I would really appreciate it, and I will literally love you forever lol  


Hello tippy 
          I am sorry for using your platform like this but I had an important question. I hope you will understand. I am sorry and thank you.
          If you feel the want ,then pls delete this text from your conversations 
          Can anyone who is interested in dark romance or has read rina kent books assist me? I recently read some of her books and I am confused. To start with I haven't read much dark romance book. I know it's full of toxicity sometimes and all possessiveness but in her books sometimes it feels consent is absent. So I wanted to ask is consent really absent in dark romances? Like there is a seen where the girl is drunk and feels like it's a dream but the boy is doing things to her in reality..it feels disgusting to read now. Can anyone help me to figure out?


@Kitsch_05 hey again! firstly, i can understand you now that you listed KTV and God of Wrath. I think Rina’s LOG series is her darkest as well that she’s written. if you want to give her another chance, i would try her mafia series instead (monster trilogy & deception trilogy). besides that, here are some of my reccs (again please heed the TW before fully diving into any of these. i can’t recall the trigger warnings for each specifically, but these reccs are some i did enjoy (however i love dark romance so it may be tame to me, but im not sure for you)): Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver & Marrow by Trisha Wolfe (both are serial killers themed), Amo Jones Elite Kings Club series (secret society), the Hollow Boys series by Monty Jay (College centered), The Ritual by Shantel Tessier. ill list just these as most are series, but hopefully you like them!


@Taesmandu_ thank you for your help. I just read kiss the villian and reread god of wrath. God of wrath used to be my fav but while rereading I noticed this and this is the case of mostly all her book and I had also read reviews about haunting adenine and how it was. So I had my queries. Thanks a lot. From next time onwards I will make sure to pay more attention to authors note. Can you please suggest me some good books? I would love to read since all I ever read was rina kents


and consent is not absent in ALL dark romance, it depends on the book as not all dark romance are the same or even similar to each other. yes it can be toxic, and on the other hand it can be dark in the sense of the theme (mafia, kidnapping, etc) or the context (violence). or even a bully romance could be dark romance. i would just try to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into when you read a dark romance/familiarize yourself with the trigger warnings it gives.


Hello humansssss,
          Just a FYI, since Control has come to an end and there are loads of questions swirling.
          I'm writing two bonus chapters for Control, one of which those on Patreon and my website will get before the end of the month. You guys should be getting it on the first week of April.
          My next book will be Aiasthlyn - Book 2 in the Eternal Annals story. You do not need to read Master first, as it'll start before the events of Master.
          I am taking a break between finishing and starting a new read, so I do not yet have a date for when I will start, but I will let you know ASAP.
          For those asking for Peter's book, it'll be the book to come after Aiasthlyn, with the potential of an early start, depending on events following the rewrite publication - more details are on my FAQ page on my website - https://tippysuniverse.com/faq/
          As always, I'll keep you all posted as I go. Thanks for all the love! ❤️


Read all the books, can’t wait for the “light post “ /aiasthyln’s book


@Tippy446 Thanks for your hardwork and an amazing story like Control. I really love that story. I've read all your books. You're amazing Tippy.
            PS: I just started writing my own story.


 Thank you for all your hard work and writing. I CANT WAIT FOR AIASTHYLN. im sure itll be amazing as the rest of your books are. Take your time. Thank you again ❤️❤️


Heyya Tippy , 
          I just wanted to ask if u have any plans to update Family Prank Wars any further , like it's been a long time since it was updated but I love it very much so just wanted to ask .


@Tippy446 , I just realised that Control is the longest book u have written like in length 40 hours and 43 mins approx  and number of parts to as it surpassed Delicate one extra part . ( Control 93 part and Delicate 92 )


If anyone know the story name plz tell 
          It's a vampire story so a human blind boy live with his family.is hidden from the world but one day vampire prince got a hold of him and take him with him the boy is  pureblood  alot happen he also got kidnapped but rescued by the price 
          Plz let me know if you know the name 


Is it only me or everyone feel like we're getting old after completing Hagen's story??
          Well I became a fan of Tippy while "Alpha mates" was ongoing..
          Now I have completed Alpha mates and their two sons stories already...  
           Of course I feel old! 
          Now that everyone is talking about Peter's book..all I wish is my baby peter does not go through more hardships & obstacles..My heart can't take it if anything happens..
          I always felt protective damon as I was like his own aunt  But I can't imagine my Peter facing all the pain...
          I know & I accept that , there won't be stories without some pain,hurts & problems, I just wish peter does not have any deep one..
          I really don't know why I wrote this big paragraph..but I want to express this long back ago..
          Now the hagen story has ended , I feel like expressing this...What I felt for a long time..
          Okay..that's it!!  I don't want to make this bigger anymore..
          Have a good day and Ofcourse Love you Tippy ❤️❤️


Legit I feel the same way. 
            I found tippy during a hard time in my life and reading her books felt like escaping all the bad that was going on. She’s has and will always be my favorite authors  and I hope nothing more than good to her. 
            It feels like I grew up with the characters as well  and knowing how tippy likes to makes us cry I’m so sacred for Peter. 
            Still going to read but with tears going down my face lmao. 