Hail and hexes, fellow practitioners of the arcane! ✨ We are here to announce the highest point scorers of the Fantasmical 2024 contest. → In first place, @Wlahus → In second place, @StephanieProchaska → In third place, @SmileyCoyote3 → Special mention for @TatiaSamaelPetrova A huge thank you to all for putting the magic in Fantasmical once again this year! The winners will be contacted with their prizes shortly. Stay spellbinding, High Priestesses at TBC✨

@TheBoilingCauldron Thank you for the fantastic prompts, and congratulations to @StephanieProchaska, @SmileyCoyote3, and @TatiaSamaelPetrova.

@TheBoilingCauldron @Wlahus, @StephanieProchaska, @TatiaSamaelPetrova Congratulations. I read and enjoyed all of your writings. I also want to thank all of the judges and all of the others who made this competition possible. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to next years.