
hey guys, ive ben feeling kinda down recently and i cant seem to explain it. but i'll try anyways.
          	so, basically, it feels like a void has opened up inside me and it's swallowing everything that makes me, well, me. ive had this feeling before, but i tried to bury it to make life just that little bit easier. turns out it doesnt work that way, seeing as it's back and doesnt feel like it's gonna go anywhere any time soon.


hey guys, ive ben feeling kinda down recently and i cant seem to explain it. but i'll try anyways.
          so, basically, it feels like a void has opened up inside me and it's swallowing everything that makes me, well, me. ive had this feeling before, but i tried to bury it to make life just that little bit easier. turns out it doesnt work that way, seeing as it's back and doesnt feel like it's gonna go anywhere any time soon.




            also i can only be online for an hour every saturday :(


if anyone wants to join my epic the musical rp server, heres the link 
          im being Hermes cuz im only online for an hour on saturdays, anyone else is fair game


@TalL_RAdi0_cR3atUr3  Ohhh, ok. I'll have to download Spoftify then.


            You can listen to the whole thing either on Spotify or audiomack. As of yet, it isn’t an actual musical, it’s just the songs.


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!
          ena is great btw. love joel gs work so much