
Me, after Book 7:
          	Congratulations to the Senate for taking the top spot on my hit list. You have somehow outpace Mrs. Rosehearts and Henric in being awful.
          	Side note: Raverne was somehow not in the flashback, which raises flags for me. Crowley, is S/N’s comment from the special chapter true for a different reason? Cause right now, that theory slowly leaving the unlikely category


Besides if Crowley is Raverne, I would’ve called being a deadbeat parent (Which he has done time and time again with the MC)


@SnowflakeDragon18 I hope Book 8 will reveal Raverne or even allude to Crowley’s origins, but if the Crowley is Raverne theory is correct in some way, then I badly need to see everyone’s reactions.


@CosmosPheonix Honestly my exact response to that was 
          	  What were you old kooks even thinking??? Oh I know nothing cuz you got no brains!!!
          	  Like really just bcuz he’s a draconia doesn’t mean he’s gonna automatically know how to use those powers especially if he’s just been born.


Me, after Book 7:
          Congratulations to the Senate for taking the top spot on my hit list. You have somehow outpace Mrs. Rosehearts and Henric in being awful.
          Side note: Raverne was somehow not in the flashback, which raises flags for me. Crowley, is S/N’s comment from the special chapter true for a different reason? Cause right now, that theory slowly leaving the unlikely category


Besides if Crowley is Raverne, I would’ve called being a deadbeat parent (Which he has done time and time again with the MC)


@SnowflakeDragon18 I hope Book 8 will reveal Raverne or even allude to Crowley’s origins, but if the Crowley is Raverne theory is correct in some way, then I badly need to see everyone’s reactions.


@CosmosPheonix Honestly my exact response to that was 
            What were you old kooks even thinking??? Oh I know nothing cuz you got no brains!!!
            Like really just bcuz he’s a draconia doesn’t mean he’s gonna automatically know how to use those powers especially if he’s just been born.


Hey guys! So, I’m sorry about going dark, I just have a major event coming up (good thing, I promise), so I should be back next week. Thanks!


@SnowflakeDragon18 have fun for all us please and thank you


@SnowflakeDragon18 you have a life not just in writing stories, so don’t apologize over something you are enjoying in real life.  Anyway I hope you enjoy yourself!


Hey, Snow. I wanted to ask, if (y/n) from your Pokemon x Twisted wonderland book did get placed into a dream, like Silver wasn't able to get to her in time, what do you think it would look like exactly? And how hard of a time do you think that the boys would have snapping her out of it?


I imagine it’s just Y/N going back to her normal life in the Hoenn region, maybe have a similar set up as Ace where she can travel between worlds, but I always thought she’d be way harder to fool in her dreams. Maybe Mal would try to remove her past with her bio mom all together and have Steven adopt her from the start, but I think some part of her would always know something was off. I also think the dream version of her Pokémon (even though Swampert and the others are with her) would eventually give away what’s happening. Y/N has a deep connection with them, so she’d eventually figure out they’re not real


Hi, I like your work. From trainer to beast tamer so if you want a cover I can do that if you want


(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


On a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you like it?


So, since we got the Valentines special for Twisted Wonderland, why not do some special side stories? 
          S/N Draconia: Malleus insisted his son be allowed to experience a Pokémon journey as he wanted his son to be able to experience the world and not feel isolated like he did growing up (council argued, but Mama Y/N has a Giratina at this point). A compromised was reached. S/N was enrolled at Naranja Academy (long live Scarlet) to keep his identity hidden, with Lilia shadowing him as a body guard (its a lot easier on his body)


@CosmosPheonix Funnily enough, given the levels of the Teal Mask, I’m pretty sure Marshall would be fully evolved at this point


@SnowflakeDragon18 I bet. Swampert  would also be an emotional pillow.


@CosmosPheonix also, (S/N) would probably call his mom and dad bawling because he ruined his friendship with Kieran and it does not matter what Malleus was doing at that moment or what was needed to be done for the rest of the day, his baby boy needs him. It’s officially a family. I imagine Y/N is the one giving the good advice and Malleus is the emotional pillow