
Hello all you fine people! I want to try something that I hope will be fun for us all. A Q&A as it were. No holds barred, just genuine questions and real answers. (Of course don't ask me about what will happen in the story) I'll be checking back in a few days and will answer as many questions as I can. Looking forward to seeing what y'all can come up with.


@600K59 To be honest I'm not sure. I've got a few ideas for other stories, some Fanfiction others my own creation. Only time can tell with this one, as of now though my focus is on the AOT Fanfic


@ Quirkyman  will you continue whit riding fan fictions?


@NoahNeslen There will be yes. It's not the main focus right now but it's definitely on the table.


Hello all you fine people! I want to try something that I hope will be fun for us all. A Q&A as it were. No holds barred, just genuine questions and real answers. (Of course don't ask me about what will happen in the story) I'll be checking back in a few days and will answer as many questions as I can. Looking forward to seeing what y'all can come up with.


@600K59 To be honest I'm not sure. I've got a few ideas for other stories, some Fanfiction others my own creation. Only time can tell with this one, as of now though my focus is on the AOT Fanfic


@ Quirkyman  will you continue whit riding fan fictions?


@NoahNeslen There will be yes. It's not the main focus right now but it's definitely on the table.


Will you be continuing?


No worries at all my friend, you’re a very talented creator. Take your time and worry about your own life, we’ll still be around for sure.


@jailllboyy I will be yes. I fully intend to complete the story to the best of my ability, as for when and how? That is a very good question. Multiple aspects make being able to work on each chapter difficult or time consuming. I do work a full time job and have a number of responsibilities which need my attention. So to answer your question, yes. I will be continuing, it could be sometime however until the next release.