
          	It’s here!!! Spread it as far as you can! Just don’t forget to spread the video as far you can, maybe even tell other follows or people in your contacts to do the same thing! Let’s make a change!


@ORROProductions go ahead and send me another friend request kosmic_collie 


@Pancekthegreat , Yes, I will keep writing whatever idea/crossover pops into my head which will eventually get their own film adaptations. This year I plan to release Part 1 of The Last Minerians. Back then I thought in only making 2 parts of the first arc but I actually want to make 4, then the fifth one for the finale at the end of the entire series (probably 10 years into the future). I will also spin-off at times to make similar shows or motivational animations using the same characters. I might even turn people’s books on WattPad or regular stories in their head into an animation. I have a goal to raise enough budget to fund an average movie that will hit theaters. Then I’ll make more movies with the same goal to motivate you towards the end of the movie. Maybe when I retire, I’ll assist several other people who have similar dreams and concepts kept in their head and turn them into a reality!


          It’s here!!! Spread it as far as you can! Just don’t forget to spread the video as far you can, maybe even tell other follows or people in your contacts to do the same thing! Let’s make a change!


@ORROProductions go ahead and send me another friend request kosmic_collie 


@Pancekthegreat , Yes, I will keep writing whatever idea/crossover pops into my head which will eventually get their own film adaptations. This year I plan to release Part 1 of The Last Minerians. Back then I thought in only making 2 parts of the first arc but I actually want to make 4, then the fifth one for the finale at the end of the entire series (probably 10 years into the future). I will also spin-off at times to make similar shows or motivational animations using the same characters. I might even turn people’s books on WattPad or regular stories in their head into an animation. I have a goal to raise enough budget to fund an average movie that will hit theaters. Then I’ll make more movies with the same goal to motivate you towards the end of the movie. Maybe when I retire, I’ll assist several other people who have similar dreams and concepts kept in their head and turn them into a reality!


Hello everyone, in a couple hours me and many members on my Discord will be reacting to Murder Drones. If that interests you, then tap the “events” icon at the top, right-hand corner and press that you’re interested. Can’t wait to see you there!
          Here is the link to the discord server: https://discord.gg/QbEyrg5Ynw


@M2ry_Landeros14 dude! My laptop got taken for a whole year because I did that! You got a mom like mine!


@ObsidianReborn Thank you, and I hope so as well, Thanks! 


Welp, the end draws near. Coming Monday, the final showdown that decides the fate one previously mentioned. The debate shall take place in this server here: https://discord.gg/4ZMgXKHN


@AislinnLee1 Good thing I'm not in school anymore.


@AislinnLee1 don't get caught though 


My people, it is with great melancholy that I have to announce this to you, but I have received word that @Frost_The_Glaceon , has been chatting inappropriately to a minor 11 years younger than them. The victim trusted me and a couple other people to show proof of them being groomed and a couple days later have gathered several writers to post the same thing on their accounts to expose this man. On my server, he was one of my admins who helped me on my strive for peace. Little did I know was he was hiding such devilish behavior. I had to ban him from my server to ensure the safety of my members. Everyone, let this be a lesson in the future if you ever go down that path. You reap what you sow, your actions WILL have consequences…
          Here is his background:


@ObsidianReborn B L E H
            What is WRONG with people?!


@ObsidianReborn let's just lock him in a room with a ugly buff 40 year old and see how he likes being raped