
Welcome to the Let's-Hate-Greg-Even-More Club. 
          	"Talk?" Jagger and I reached the last step and stopped. Inching to my ear, he whispered, "Ren's mouth is better used elsewhere. If you let me borrow your car one day I'll let you borrow my Ren. No consequences. You can do whatever you want, you know. He's OK with a little humiliation. A little pain."


@Nacht_Owl Greg has a dirty heart, an ugly soul, a craving for pain and enough money to get out of anything.


@Glory_feeling2 I'm sorry you dated some horrible guys. Greg is an absolute monster. Even if you read just the chapter I shared or the previous one, you'll see.


@Glory_feeling2 Trust me if you ever met Greg you would hate him with every fibre of your being. Your ex dates will look like boyscouts next to this monster \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/ 
          	  I am busy catching up on my reading and look forward to continue reading your book ♥️


Welcome to the Let's-Hate-Greg-Even-More Club. 
          "Talk?" Jagger and I reached the last step and stopped. Inching to my ear, he whispered, "Ren's mouth is better used elsewhere. If you let me borrow your car one day I'll let you borrow my Ren. No consequences. You can do whatever you want, you know. He's OK with a little humiliation. A little pain."


@Nacht_Owl Greg has a dirty heart, an ugly soul, a craving for pain and enough money to get out of anything.


@Glory_feeling2 I'm sorry you dated some horrible guys. Greg is an absolute monster. Even if you read just the chapter I shared or the previous one, you'll see.


@Glory_feeling2 Trust me if you ever met Greg you would hate him with every fibre of your being. Your ex dates will look like boyscouts next to this monster \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/ 
            I am busy catching up on my reading and look forward to continue reading your book ♥️


The next chapter of The Perfects is out! Get ready to have your emotions shaken as we dive deeper into why Greg and Izzy are rotten and why Ren may have suffered the same fate as Jacques. 
          I didn’t care about them, None of them. But Ren carried something dark inside him that oftentimes made me think, What if I’m wrong about him? What if he’s not like the others?
          Then I remembered the note I found wedged between decorative rocks when I found my brother face down in a pool full of still water, dead insects, and magnolia leaves. 
          In a passing truck's headlights, I thought I saw a victim's tear glistening in Ren’s eye. But when we slipped back into darkness, all there was was one of my brother’s abusers. 
          They all had to die.


@carolannewrites looking forward to your comments! Happy reading :)


@Nyhterides I am so looking forward to gwtting back to this story next week when I have more time!


10 years ago I signed my first contract and became published with a poetry book called Goblin Garden. Where did the time go?  I still remember getting the call from the publishing house. 
          Since then, I published a few smaller works mostly in anthologies (I love anthologies!!). My next goal (in 10 years, haha!) is a novel! (I'm not joking about 10 years till the next contract, I have a toddler!). :D 
          I'm going to buy wine and chocolate to celebrate!


@Glory_feeling2 Thanks! Congrats on getting your poem published!


@Nyhterides Hi Christine! Believe I remember that as you sent me a copy of that poetry some time ago. Congrats! 
            Never did something that grand, but I believe us writers like to get even little tid bit published. LOL. I still have my letter to the editor of a magazine in 2000. Someone drew a picture over my short letter but I asked for diversity in the music magazine. LOL
            In high school, they published a poem of mine, but nothing fancy. I actually got mad cause I turned in a lot and how come others got multiple in the anthology when I did not. They even misspelled my name! Don't worry I accept Piat cause I can say it resembles a car = the Fiat! LOL


“I’ll be over at your place at seven.”
          "That's kind of early for a party."
          Greg shrugged with fake innocence.
          Ren's brows knit together. “Wh-what about Isabelle and Dove?”
          The hallway was busy with anxious students dreading being late to their next class.
          With a quick look over his shoulder, Greg realized no one was paying attention to them. “We’ll swing over to get them at ten.” Reaching towards Ren, he brushed his fingertips along his friend’s hip.
          Flinching, Ren pushed Greg’s hand away. “Then how about you pick me up at ten-fifteen?”
          "No, little bird." Greg chuckled and shook his head. “Remember.” Inching closer, he touched his lips to Ren’s ear. “You belong to me.”


Hoping to post 4 days ago didn't happen. There's a little prince ruling the roost and booooyyyyy do you have to do what he wants or OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!! Hahahaha! So, until the King of the World turns 30, I'm in trouble!! Hahaha! 
          I'm exhausted today. I was woken up every 10 minutes for an hour with a little voice asking, 'Are you going to wake up now? Yes or no?'. 
          Someone halp!  Hahaha!!


@seven_hues I'll need all the luck I can get :D


@Glory_feeling2 he sure does :) Take care, Pia!


I'm working on the next chapter of The Perfects. I HOPE I can post it tomorrow. :D I'm having a lot of fun with this story even though I am struggling with time. With the next chapter up, I will be a bit over 4000 words! I'm so excited about that! 
          I cannot wait to begin writing the revenge chapters. I think Jagger, Izzy, and Ren are in for a surprise. 
          How are you all doing with your ONC entries? Have you submitted? I did a few days ago. 
          If you are keen to read my tale, click on this magical link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/389324643-the-perfects-onc-2025


Hiii, I replied to your post about the ONC entries and I just realized the link wasn't well placed so I just wanted to repost it here, also in case you didn't see it. On another note, I'm quite excited to see how the revenge in the Perfects goes!


@maskedinthelight thanks for sharing your link! Good luck in the ONC!


Sometimes we wonder how to leave a comment. Should we praise? Leave helpful feedback (even if we dislike something)? 
          For me, I love honesty! If you love something, let me know. If you hate something, let me know! If you think something should be altered...you guessed it, let me know! 
          Some people don't like this but I do. I learn by what my readers have to say so never, NEVER be worried or afraid to tell me what you think. Trust me, you are helping and I am THANKFUL for it. (This includes the person who told me to F-off after one of my characters fell for the MC and not his son. Yes, I'm talking about the Rosalind-Caspian-Troy triangle). This showed me I had done what I had to do to get powerful emotions out and trigger something in my reader. Ok, they could have done it in a helpful, polite way. BTW, the comment is still up :D 
          I'd love to know everyone's opinion on what they prefer. I sometimes worry and wonder if I should point out something I thought needed fixing/more explanation/whatever on a story. How honest do you want a reader to be? 
          Much love to you all! <3


@Nacht_Owl I understand some people don't want any feedback but I know some say it. If one asks for help and one gets it, then why be mad? Foo! I crave critique. I want to get better. I have so much to learn!


@Glory_feeling2 helpful feedback is the best! I had a few people ask for honest advice a few times then got mad....why ask for help if you only want praise? I don't get it. 
            Hehehe I use LIKE a lot too :D


@Nyhterides You are amazing :D *applause* ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
            I am fortunately or unfortunately  depending on the author an extremely honest reader, but I will add respectful too. Some appreciate that while others will block you *shrugs* I have had both happen in equal measure.
            That is the one thing I always thought made WP special, the interaction between authors and readers. It has positives and negatives but I think the good far outweighs the bad. 
            Keep envoking those strong emotions and reactions in us my friend. If a story leaves you cold what is the point of reading it in the first place. Reading is all about emotions ❤️❤️❤️