
How do you define an ex-husband?
          	Do you refer to a male spouse you married but separated by legal means such as legal separation, annulment or divorce?
          	Or can an ex-husband be referred to a male spouse you married but got separated under circumstances but never severed the marriage by legal ways?
          	Something like you live separately, leading a life of each to his own?


@MommyIsInTheBlue separated by legal means. That means no turning back & ready to face a new life
          	  Ty for the CEO's moon a/n


How do you define an ex-husband?
          Do you refer to a male spouse you married but separated by legal means such as legal separation, annulment or divorce?
          Or can an ex-husband be referred to a male spouse you married but got separated under circumstances but never severed the marriage by legal ways?
          Something like you live separately, leading a life of each to his own?


@MommyIsInTheBlue separated by legal means. That means no turning back & ready to face a new life
            Ty for the CEO's moon a/n


Happy New Year to everyone.
          May your 2025 be full of love, kindness and bliss.
          This year, I hope to finish my novel The CEOs Moon. If it is not for my ageing mind, I would have finished it last year. But this 53 year old body of mine is preventing me from doing so. And I will do my best to finish it. So just be patient. 


@MommyIsInTheBlue happy new year author nim,please take your own time 


@ MommyIsInTheBlue  Happy New Year for you. Hope you the best and happy life


I woke up and logged on to my social media accounts, only to be met with a newsfeed saying that Kim Yeontan was gone.  Well, it is sad because as an Army, I came to love the fur baby who from a little fluff ball pet turned into a handsome and gorgeous pet.  He was introduced to us by his fur dad, Kim Taehyung and has become a part of our lives as Army.  
          I hope V will get through in this darkest moment of his life.  Tannie is not just a pet. He's Kim Taehyung's son.  And we all know how it is difficult to deal with grief from a family member's passing.  
          Run free, baby Yeontan...Hope you have a great time with your puppy playmates out there.


Which couple in the world would make love in a backyard full of snow, under the falling snow and naked at that? Maybe it sounds weird but I think it's exciting...well, be ready to catch cold though...


@SutakAmpu challenge accepted? Unfortunately, there's no snow in my country...


@jinsjksfan yeah, that too and it's the worsts possible way to happen


@ MommyIsInTheBlue  challenge 


After much thought and consideration, I have decided to unpublish "Switched" for now. While working on the story, I realized that I am not fully satisfied with the story plots and that there is much room for improvement. I want to ensure that the story I share with you is the best it can be, and I feel that a rewrite is necessary to achieve that.
          I am committed to rewriting and enhancing the plot, characters, and overall narrative to create a more engaging and satisfying experience for all of you. Once the revisions are complete, I will republish "Switched" and share it with you again.
          Thank you for your understanding and patience as I work on these improvements. I am excited about the journey ahead and can't wait to share the new and improved version of "Switched" with you soon.