I dare you to post an annoucment saying your gonna start updating again then say sike at the vey end after a big build up.
Reading Lists
Finally have a friend at fencing. During a bout, I feinted and stepped back, while he stepped back (not expecting that. lol). We both refused to advance. Instead of challenging him to move forward like a normal person, I shrugged at him with my sword. He stood his ground and just did the same back. We're both smiling like idiots while my coach is probably sighing in his head for both of us "hesitating".
I dare you to post an annoucment saying your gonna start updating again then say sike at the vey end after a big build up.
Hi! May I translate your fanfic Dancing Sugarplums?
Finally have a friend at fencing. During a bout, I feinted and stepped back, while he stepped back (not expecting that. lol). We both refused to advance. Instead of challenging him to move forward like a normal person, I shrugged at him with my sword. He stood his ground and just did the same back. We're both smiling like idiots while my coach is probably sighing in his head for both of us "hesitating".
Don't you hate bad days? Like I felt so productive and then things started to go downhill, so I just cried in my room for the rest of the day. And now I don't feel that same motivation today
@LilyRoseXxXxX Yep. I get really enthusiastic about a project and then lose interest almost immediately. It sucks!
@LilyRoseXxXxX Why did they remove it I don't get it? Let's only hope that in Shrek 5 it'll happen
When the oneshot you are writing is so angsty that you can't stop crying while you write it: Why do I like torturing myself? When will I feel again? What is emotion?
Happy late Easter! Times flies when I'm not on Wattpad- I'll be going through my inbox today bc I have left that unattended for too long. Thought I would let you know the "3,000 words of **** not on my to-write list" was me experimenting in a new fandom... yeah. I've been a little obsessed with that recently and I was trying out writing about it. Can't believe after promising to myself that I would never involve myself in this insane fandom because of how chaotic it is, I sit here... I blame my friend for dragging me into it, really. (Yeah, I know you are reading this, Tyra) Like making me fall in love with one character to make me curious enough to fall into the game lore... Ever heard of Genshin Impact?
@LilyRoseXxXxX well dayum. I just didn't try to get too much into the fandom because I already have YanSim, DokiDoki and a bunch of other games I obssess over to play
@ibreatheair10100 You don't need to play it to become obsessed. I haven't even considered downloading it and yet I am still in pretty deep.
@LilyRoseXxXxX Lmfao I'm almost to scared to play genshin because I'm scared I'll fall into the hole called "obsession" it's lured a lot of my friends already
When you get back into writing but write 3,000 words of shit that is not on your to-write list:
Today was the worst and the best at the same time. I had a religion assessment that I think I flunked. I'm not too anxious because I don't think one bad assessment in yr 10 for CST is going to matter in the future. For our last two periods, my class waited out in the cold rain for my English teacher. And we waited. And we waited. Around 15mins pass by and she still hadn't shown up. The other teachers that came up to us didn't do anything about it. They just said to wait outside and someone will show up. So the crazy kid in our class climbed through the open window of the class and let us inside. We all found our seats, set up the ac, got seated and talked. Still, no one showed up. So the class clowns played teacher and we played Kahoots as a class. No one suspected anything. Tecahers looked into our classroom. We actually told one of them exactly what we had done and are doing and she didn't do anything. No work was posted for us online, no one came down to our classroom because of a missing role. So, that's when we knew... There was no substitute. Because if there was there would be work posted online. SO OUR TEACHER ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT US We kinda felt bad and didn't want to get in too much trouble so as a class, we made our own lesson and brainstormed on the whiteboard. I think we were more efficient than what my actual teacher is. We also marked our own role on a piece of paper. So it was a dream class, constantly giggling and doing whatever we want. It wasn't until the end of the second period that a teacher finally walked in. But it was five minutes until hometime so he couldn't do much. He was actually impressed we did work and apologised for the lack of organisation. As they should. We told teachers what was happening, and nothing happened. But absolutely best two periods ever.
Guess who's got braces? They hurt like shi- They removed my glued on retainer AND also gave me elastics for my overbite. So hearing me talk is an absolute nightmare right now because my entire mouth has changed.
@LilyRoseXxXxX Holy crap that must have hurt like hell, hope you're doing okay
@Supertrollfan1 I had the same problem because I couldn't loose my teeth. So my first partial set was because my front teeth were so bad but I still had baby teeth and they only put it on the first four front teeth. Now I have a full set. The elastic is from the top incisor to the bottom back moler on both sides to bring the bottom jaw forward.
@prettycurefan10100 Thanks. It is my second time with them. This is my first full set though. I'm on double pain killers. ALSO, last night I noticed one of my brackets was loose already so I went back today and then they noticed two of them were loose because it wasn't secured enough. SO THEY HAD TO TAKE IT OFF AND RETIGHTEN/RETHREAD! While my teeth were already aching. I was so close to passing out :')
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