@Larry_vibez STOP I LOVE THAT SONG SM!!!
i won’t say it here just bc there’s creeps on this app but i’m pretty sure i follow u on insta right??? i’ll dm it to you there hehehhe
@ashtonthefakebetch YEAH IKR ITS CRAZY!! Ooooh you still have time to enjoy being 17 YAY, and it's giving "When will my life begin~" from Rapunzel haha
OMG YES WHAT UNI ARE YOU GOING TO? (it's ok if you don't want to answer I'm just curious :)
@Larry_vibez OMG NOOOO THAT SUCKS! good luck with them!!! tysmmmm! LESGOOOOO
<33333 thank you for the cookie *takes cookie*
here’s a cookie for you *gives you a cookie*
@ashtonthefakebetch Well technically I finish at end of the year but really we get to stay home (study leave to prepare for exams) from week four in term 4:)
Ugh that SOUNDS stressful to me, wishing you all the luck for year 12 assessments!!! LETS GOOOOO
<33333333 Here's a cookie for you *hands you a cookie*