Hey, thanks for reading my story and for the votes. I'll catch up on yours in the weekend, OK? I just had a ton of work dumped on me lol. So looking forward to catching up!

@Entangler yes, it is reassuring! And we do have a lot in common, it’s crazy!!

@KayseaAlexis haha, we have a lot in common. A LOT. Lol. Hey, zoom away. And spam away haha. I love getting spammed with votes, and I'm sure you do too. It's just some reassurance, really, isn't it? That other people are enjoying our hard work :)

@Entangler Same here, things have been so hectic lately! I tend to read a lot faster than most people so that’s why it seems like I’m zooming straight through your book haha. I didn’t even think about the fact that I was probably spamming you with a bunch of vote notifications by doing so! I honestly think I may have read your book until the very end a long time ago then never picked back up after you started updating it again I was going through a big Stand By Me/ Kiefer Sutherland phase then (because he’s just as hot in The Lost Boys as he is in Stand By Me) and your book was the best one I found!