hello all! thank you so much for the recent love on legally blonde! it means so much! i'm planning on changing some of the formatting in it so that should be coming soon!
also, what are all ur thoughts on dd:ba so far!
Hello lebaus's,
Could I ask for a The Punisher fanfiction and a Frank Castle love story but with a plot twist? Are you familiar with the mutant Gambit and his abilities and are you familiar with Jacob Black's wolf physiology in Twilight: New Moon?
planning to call the legally blonde sequel / daredevil born again fic “red white and blonde” ohhhhhhh so poignant. ahead of my time. god bless reese witherspoon.
hello everyone! long time no chat! but i wanted to come on here to say (i know i say this every few months...) but legally blonde updates will be coming! the next chapter is almost finished and uni work has lightened up a little so i should be able to get more into it!
i'm excited to finally finish matt + elena's story! my sweet angels. also. daredevil trailer!! what are all your thoughts!!!