* imagine if a dog came up to you and just shat in ur face
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* pssttttt! cb & spec! (anyone is welcomed to since he is fandomless ofc!!)
* imagine if a dog came up to you and just shat in ur face
are you here to strike a deal?
@INTR-STLLR, yes. is there anything you desire [there’s an allure, once which ilyada willingly uses. whether it be mystery, or perhaps confidence. the fae dances between the line of malice and simple mischief. there would never be a crime in having fun, but the creature continues to observe. leaning in his seat, one leg over the other. ilyada was smug, to say the very least.] it could be any deal that you wish for.
@faelise | a deal? [ sean pauses, taking a moment to attempt to make sense of the question posed. ] what kind of deal?
* pssttttt! cb & spec! (anyone is welcomed to since he is fandomless ofc!!)
* ill be home soon u guys but cb again and i’ll get everything out in abt an hour <3
/ aa this is soosos cool !!>_<
( . . . ) THIS IS SO COOL <3<3
️ i͟n͟f͟o͟r͟m͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟ ͟o͟n͟ ͟o͟r͟g͟.͟ ͟u͟n͟i͟v͟e͟r͟s͟e͟!͟!͟ ͟
DUE TO THE WAR, the people of astrylia was forced to take refuge either on the planet earth or hiding amongst their overthrown allies. it’s up to those involved to decide their own fate. this multiverse was created entirely by me; taking inspiration from various media. ANYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN!! FULL CREATIVE FREEDOM OF OCS IS, OF COURSE, ENCOURAGED!! add my discord to plot if interested <3
*͟SOMNUIM: a planet ruled by the earth’s moon. consumed by sloth, laziness, and fatigue. characterized by the color blue, the smell of rosemary, the sound of lullabies being sung, and dark environments. played a minor part in the war as they sided with iraeon in order to avoid the destruction of their planet. *͟ASTRYLIA: a planet ruled by the earth’s sun. consumed by pride, confidence, and ego. characterized by strong relationships, power, a well rounded royal bloodline, and the smell of freesia. the first planet to be overthrown by iraeon due to their immense power. the only planet to be destroyed entirely.
SEVEN PLANETS, PLAGUED BY WAR. SEVEN PLANETS, PLAGUED BY SIN. *͟LUXARIA: a planet ruled by venus. consumed by love, lust, and desire. characterized by joyous laughter, lively festivals, the color red, and the smell of lavender. was overthrown in the war at the same time the planet astrylia due to their close relationship with the neighboring planet. *͟IRAEON: a planet ruled by mars. consumed by anger, wrath, and chaos. characterized by battle cries, the smell of burning woods, the training of warriors, and the sound of clashing swords. played a crucial part in the overthrowing of astraylia and luxaria; offering no martial support to the attacked civilizations. *͟AVARIS: a planet ruled by saturn. consumed by greed, apathy, and selfishness. characterized by stolen items, the sound of broken windows as precious items are stolen, those unlucky enough to be on the street, the color orange, and the smell of jasmine. was the main aggressor of the great war due to their thirst for power. *͟GLUASTRA: a planet ruled by jupiter. consumed by gluttony, over consumption, and hunger. characterized by the smell of smoke, the sound of laughter, and festive feasts. overthrown in the war due to their relations with luxaria and astraylia, brought about by years of trade. *͟INVIDIUM: a planet ruled by mercury. consumed with envy, irrationality, and anger. characterized by the color green, the smell of roses, the gossip of others, and false promises. overthrown in the war due to their relationship with astraylia— despite their envy of the planet, the people of indivium built a close relationship with the planet only to gossip and plan it’s downfall. this ultimately lead to their demise.
️ REQUIEM FOR A DREAM [ … ] i once used to have. c͟h͟a͟r͟a͟c͟t͟e͟r͟ ͟t͟h͟r͟e͟a͟d͟.͟ ️ ️
A REITERATION AND REWORK OF “σ͟ε͟α͟ν͟ ͟υ͟ο͟ο͟v” / SEAN YOON. an original fandomless character originally established with a different concept in 2019. apart of the original fictional universe created and established by me!! NON SELECTIVE, OPEN, INDIE, & MULTISHIP!! MATURE THEMES PRESENT.. such as but not limited to: death, war, grief, genocide, mundicide (the destruction of a planet), and more. loved by j!!
⅋ , D͟A͟R͟K͟ ͟T͟H͟E͟M͟E͟S͟ ͟A͟H͟E͟A͟D͟ ͟ ⋆ཋྀ ──── ❛ it is unfathomable to think that this is where i ended up. i will not speak of my home planet before the war; how i needed to find refuge on earth; how unfamiliar it all is. i will not speak of the dead, for that is another matter. no; on such matters i’ll be silent. instead i’ll speak of the familiar scent of oasis and burning pine, the hidden smiles and exchanges of “congratulations” as i received my crown. i’ll speak of what was supposed to be a considerably “HAPPY” memory. i’ll speak of it all before it was stolen from me. there is only one thing on my mind now / my need for revenge has grown teeth; hungering to enact my wrath. I WILL NO LONGER SUFFER.”
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