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During the battle in Tokyo city, Deku was on the debris while beaten up badly while Darrick came and and looked down at him and said to him.
Darrick: You know, kid. Seeing your face all bloody and fucked up all that, brings me back some of the good times I've had. You see, this isn't the first time I kicked your ass brutal like and I've actually whooped your ass in the another universe. I remember that like it was yesterday. You see, I've beaten up my universe version of you but here's a different one, my version of Deku which is you was actually a badass instead of a whiney ass, bitch ass coward like you. And I beaten my universe Deku and he was taken it like a champ, you have your bone broken and open, but you know what I did, beating you up and bashing your skull in, in front of your girl and your friends, even that bitch ass friend of yours to. Absolute cinema!