
I’m gonna rewrite a bit of Fatal Obsession, plz comment if you’d like me to lyk what scenes I fiddle around with! (I miss you so much)


@BxBsAreMyThing the way I'm currently rereading rn lmao 


@BxBsAreMyThing Lol I was planning on re-reading this at some point, cause I accidentally fell off the track, but I think imma just wait till you re-write it


So Wattpad has deleted stories from three of the writers I follow and I'm starting to get scared that's going to happen to more of the writers I follow. It was done with no warning and it even happened with stories that weren't mature and didn't have explicit  content. 
          Is Fatal Obsession saved somewhere besides Wattpad? It would just break my heart if there was no way to ever read this again in case something like that happens.


Heart throb**


Thank you so much for being concerned about my story, that’s making my throb so much!! I hope you continue to enjoy the story as I keep rereading/editing/rewriting it!! 


I’m exporting Fatal Obsession to documents as I rewrite it currently because I’ve also seen and worried about this happening to my stories!!


HIIIIIIII!!!! I finished reading Fatal Attraction today and trust meee best bookkkkk ever that was honestly one of these most best psycho books I've ever read❤️


Hahaha thank you so much! I’m very reluctant but knowing that it’s actually needing to be rewritten in the earlier seasons, but am so so so glad you liked the storyline!!❤️❤️❤️


I love Fatal Obsession!!! It’s literally a masterpiece. For season 4, I honestly was thinking you were giving Cooper a redemption arc almost, diving into his psychologically torn mind to understand why he is how he is but no… that’s not what entirely happened. But I have a question? What was the alternative ending for Cooper if he just didn’t go with Gio back to the basement? Where would he go in life and would he actually get help and be better or isolate and medicate himself numb with no socializing of humans knowing he could easily fall back into his obsessive compulsive nature?


@SakuraAime I don’t think anyone could force him to get that help, because seriously going out of the way to seek help for another person, as someone that needs it themself, is a challenging and rather hypocritical obstacle to face. Therapists, psychologists, and just anyone that is well-associated with helping others understand their personal trauma, flaws, and damages are scary to those that look to avoid acknowledging or even remembering* these qualities within themselves. And again, the hypocrisy that comes with that act of seeking help for someone else as a person that needs it all the same, is enough to make everyone aware of Cooper’s habits keep quiet and deal with him on their own. 
            Hahaha and I certainly wouldn’t put that past Cooper! He’s a persistent and lingering personality, for sure!


@BxBsAreMyThing thank you for replying and giving such a thoughtful answer. I did feel bad for Cooper, wouldn’t lie on that but also felt as if he didn’t want to face the reality until it hit him too late. Why didn’t anyone force him to get help knowing about these tendencies and habits he has? Well, all I can do is hope his soul is at peace now. Not gonna lie, I was thinking in like a sequel book he would comeback somehow and be like “NO! Please! I can’t go back!!!” Seeing Gio with his husband together once more


Also I really did enjoy this question, thank you so much for asking and I hope my answer suffices!


Hi! I read your book Fatal Obsession and I have a question. More than halfway through the book, a character was mentioned when Cameron and Giorgi were in Paris and Cameron said he knew it wouldn't be the last time he saw him. I was kind of expecting you to mention him again but I need to know if not mentioning him was intentional or you completely forgot about the character? I love the book tho <3 I'm gonna start another one in a little while


Lowkey forgot abt him, I’ll have to mention him again when I get to rewriting those chapters hahaha!


I’m gonna rewrite a bit of Fatal Obsession, plz comment if you’d like me to lyk what scenes I fiddle around with! (I miss you so much)


@BxBsAreMyThing the way I'm currently rereading rn lmao 


@BxBsAreMyThing Lol I was planning on re-reading this at some point, cause I accidentally fell off the track, but I think imma just wait till you re-write it


I’m discarding and rewriting chapters 49-52 of Inside Voice! After reading the story, I want to switch it up! I hope you all enjoy the different chapters!


cant wait..!


@BxBsAreMyThing yayyyy! I can't wait to read the new chapters. The Exchange Student was so good, I'm really excited to see how Inside Voice turns out