hio! i know its been a while, im sorry. im just reeeally bad at keeping friendships fires strong and burning ,, its fine if you dont even rly consider us friends or anytthing but i wanted to say that i still think yre one of the coolest people and i just wish the best for you!!! i genuinely think yre sosososo funny and ive always loved talking to u and looking back at our convos^_^ i love you soso much, darbz!!!! lalala oh, if u dont evenn. remember who i am thats ok too i know ive changed alot urghgg

@-ABBIIIII AHHHHGG YRE WELCOME!! GODIDDOD YRE SO SWEET SCREAMS!!!! ill text u maybe!! well see ,,,, lalala ,, BUT YRE WELCOME^_^

@Gui1bert First off, I OBVIOUSLY REMEMBER YOU. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN WAHT!!! ITS OKAY IF YOU DIDNT TEXT ME AT ALL BC TBH IVE BEEN BAD AT KEEPING FRIENDSHIPS TOO.. I havent been in contact with you too and I apoplgize school has been kicking my ass. you are amazing and I hope your doing well I love you moreeeee and always look back on our convos too I just don't know what to say lol. text mee tho im always free. :))))